

Play Dead! | DaisyPets Halloween

Hey! This will be our last post for the month of October, and although it was hard to try and come up with original ideas each Monday and Thursday, I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. I love to celebrate Halloween and this meant that I could celebrate it for the whole month.
To finish off our wonderful series I decided that it only seemed fitting to teach your dog a new trick that can be used during the Halloween season. Therefore we chose Play Dead. Diego had not previously been taught this trick so throughout the month of October we slowly taught him how to do it. It took a bit of patience at the beginning, but once he had it, we were away smiling. I would love to videos or photos of your dog learning the Play Dead command, so leave a comment on this post or go across to our Facebook and post a photo to our wall.

First off you will need high reward treats, some sort of treat that is very smelly and your dog cannot resist following it with their nose. We used Harringtons Training Treats, which we used to love so much, and have only recently found them again. Also, it will definitely help if your dog already knows the down command. The main step is luring them from the down position, so if you already have that command down, it will really improve your chances of them learning this one.

Command your dog to lie down. You will want your dog to be relaxed onto one side. Diego always lies down straight, and so I had to be patient and wait for him to finally relax before we can get to the next step. Waiting for them to be relaxed will help a lot, as it means that they will naturally fall to the side which they are resting on.

Put the treat in front of your dogs nose and slowly lure him to the side which he is resting towards. Aim to do an arc so that eventually the dog will be lying on his side with the treat in front of his nose. This will take a lot of repetitions before the dog will fully be on his side. Every time Diego went towards the treat in the direction I wanted, I would treat him, and each time treat him a little lower. Once Diego understood the concept, he was happy enough to flop to his side. In this video, Diego had done the repetition a few times, and that is why he went straight towards the ground.