

Dog Friendly Yellow House Cafe

Hey! I am a huge fan of sitting down in the sun, with my dog, and a good coffee. Actually, I am generally just a huge fan of cafes in general. So when I can combine them all, I am straight there. That is what the Yellow House Cafe offers in Whanganui. The Yellow House Cafe is not only an amazing coffee spot, but is also dog friendly!

Located on Pitt Street, this yellow house definitely stands out. It is an old house, converted to a cafe and features lovely outdoor areas with lots of foliage. There is enough room in the outdoor areas for multiple groups and dogs, as well as having a sandpit for the children. Dogs are allowed to be in any of the outside areas of the cafe, and they also supply water bowls for any thirsty pup.

The cafe is located in a perfect spot to use as a starting, middle or end to your walk around the Whanganui River. There is an easy hour walk around the river if you go over the Dublin Street Bridge, walk along the river, back over the Railway Bridge and along Somme Parade. Depending on where you start, is where you will be able to schedule in an amazing coffee.

The coffee itself is always top notch. My mother is a flat white enthusiast and has had so many in her time that she is able to decipher a good coffee from a bad one. The Yellow House Cafe always marks well in her books. They have all the usual milk varieties, including soy, as well as a range of flavour shots that you can add to your drinks. They have a great range of cabinet goods, from slices and cakes to salads and meals. You can also order from their kitchen if you are feeling more hungry.

The staff at the Yellow House Cafe are incredibly friendly and go out of their way to help their customers. I have always had a pleasant experience when visiting, and they happily take my strange coffee order. They also are pleasant around the dogs, and have stopped for a quick chat a couple of times.

 This is a cafe you definitely will not want to miss if you are in the Whanganui area. Especially on a sunny day. This is one of the cafes that my mother and I, plus the dogs, visit on the regular because we absolutely love the atmosphere.

We would love to hear about other dog friendly places we should visit! Leave us a comment below, on Instagram or Facebook.
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Husky Puppy Photoshoot

Hey, recently one of my old college friends got a beautiful husky puppy and of course I had to take the opportunity to get some cute puppy photos. He is super cute, and makes me miss having a little puppy. Although, it's nice to be able to give him back when he plays up! I was trialling out a new lens so I am not 100% happy with the photos unfortunately. Hopefully I will get the hang of this lens soon. Make sure you follow him on Instagram at @MancubMowgli_ to see him grow up!
So readers, meet Mowgli.

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Greyhounds can sit?!

Hey! It has been a while since I last typed up a blog post, and I have definitely missed it. I have just had a bit of a writers block and every time I sat down to type, nothing came to my head or fingers.

We have had Chico for about nine months now, and although he is becoming more doglike by the day, he has always remained aloof. Aloof is probably the best way of putting it. When you try and train him, he readily accepts the treats but doesn't look like he really understands why he has been given them. I spent a while trying to train him to shake one of his front paws, while standing. I ended up giving up cause I don't think he fully grasped the concept. My mother started to train him to walk backwards on cue, and he did learn it, although even then we wonder if he really knows what he is doing.

I knew my younger sister had been working with Diego while I was down in Wellington, but it turns out she was working with Chico too. This last weekend, I was up in Whanganui and she showed me this...

To say I was surprised was an under statement, and I made sure that she showed me multiple times to prove it wasn't a fluke. It wasn't. Also, I apologise for the poor photos, but I needed to get photographic proof as it was happening.

My sister obviously has a lot more patience than both my mother and I. Her way of training him was to get him into a corner and do the traditional sit training by lifting the treat so the dog follows it with his nose. From there, because he is in the corner, he will be forced to put his bottom towards the ground. The moment he started to get into a sit position, my sister would click the clicker and reward him. This took multiple training sessions, and a lot of patience to not get frustrated when he wasn't doing what you wanted straight away. After he successfully was sitting in the corner, she slowly left that and now he will sit for treats anywhere in the house. The next step for the two of them is to learn to do the same routine in the backyard, and eventually outside of the house area. Another good thing would be for him to sit longer as at the moment he pops back up quite quickly.

Does your Greyhound know how to sit, or do you know a Greyhound that does? I would love to see photos, you can post them to our Facebook Wall, or Tag us on Instagram!

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