

Kong Genius Mike Review

Hey! If you have read my blog before you will know that I spend a lot of time, and money trying to locate the best toys and treats to give Diego during the day while I am at work. Generally I want a long lasting toy/treat that Diego really enjoys but doesn't cause an utter mess throughout my house. Animates came to the rescue and sent me a bunch of amazing toys and treats to try out, and the Kong Genius Mike was one of those toys.

This Kong doesn't look like the traditional Kong you may imagine. It is made out of the same material as usual, however instead of the beehive shape that you are used to seeing, it is a long stick. It has three sections which kind of reminds me of a triple peanut, and the openings are at either end. On each end there are pieces that cover it so it's not a huge hole at each end. Same material, same thickness.

Great, now that super boring description is out the way, let's get to the part we all care about, does it do it's job?

We got this Kong Genius Mike in July, and Diego has had it in his basket of toys since then. It was used three times a week for multiple months and then slowly it has faded back to about once a week. This was due to no fault of its own, i'll explain further down why I faded it out. He does still have access to it daily, and it is often thrown around as a fetch toy, or he takes it outside where it is left for a few days. The toy is still in perfect condition, there isn't any pieces ripped, or gauged. There are a few surface marks from claws and teeth but not something you notice or that is going to affect the function of the toy. The pink colour is still bright, with no faded areas or signs of fading overall.

This Kong I have to use differently to my other Kongs, which means different foods and approach. We got the large size for Diego, which for durability and thickness is perfect but for him able to get food out of the very middle is not so great. He just can't reach that far inside. This means I have had to rule out any messy foods stuffed in it like peanut butter or wet dog food. This stuff just gets stuck inside it and I have to clean it out at the end of the day, which is not my favourite task. I am not 100% sure if with a bigger dog this would become a non-existent problem.

What I have been doing instead is stuffing it with a full raw carrot. The length and width of this toy make it perfect for this, and Diego is absolutely in love with carrot. He will eat when ends he can reach, then gnaw the outside til the carrot inside breaks. Once the carrot is broken up into little bits he throws it around the house, off the bed, off the deck so that it bounces the carrot pieces out. This makes it a more interactive Kong, he gets less naughty foods and it keeps him busy a lot longer than a normal Kong. If your dog doesn't like carrots, Kong has also bought out a treat that is perfect to stuff into it, or you could use Daisy's Doggy Deli Chicken & Turmeric Sausages.  These are treats we have used and Diego has enjoyed, but really any long treat will do the trick.

The problem with stuffing it with a carrot and giving this to him often was that he was eating a lot of carrot. Which I don't think is necessarily the worst thing, but because he was eating these in chunks, they were coming out the other end in much the same fashion. It wasn't good. That is why I started using other treats, reducing the amount of times he gets a carrot version and also grating the carrot and stuffing it in. The last option resulted in some horrible cleaning, but not nearly as bad as peanut butter.

For his daily meals I wouldn't recommend this toy unless you have saint-like patience. The flaps on either end are tough, and hard to move out the way. I found when trying to put kibble into the end, holding one flap open you could still only stuff a kibble or two through at a time. Two flaps open would hurt your hand and require some decent finger strength. Once the kibble was in, it was a good toy and took him a while to get every piece out. He already knows the great technique of throwing the toy off the bed so it did go a lot faster than when I gave it to Ollie who hardly ever gets those sorts of Kongs. He struggled and took longer but eventually got there. I don't have the kind of patience to be doing that every meal, especially when the Kong Wobbler is so quick. However, if you do have the patience, it's amazing for kibble!

As I was writing this and getting the links together I realised you can connect this type of Kong with the Kong Genius Leo toy that I have. I haven't tried that, but when I review the Leo I will definitely put that capability to the test.

I like the Kong Genius Mike. Diego likes the Kong Genius Mike. I would recommend it as a boredom breaker toy to have in conjunction with the regular Kong. I wouldn't recommend it over the regular Kong though. I think it has the different uses which are great, but nothing can really beat a regular Kong which is easy to stuff, and can be frozen with liquid contents. The Genius Mike is great for dogs that often get boredom busters so you want a range of different toys to stop them from getting bored. If you have the Kong Genius Mike, what are your thoughts? Let me know on Facebook or Instagram.

p.s If you want a fun drinking game, take a shot every time I have said 'Kong' in this post.
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Facts about Daisy Pets

Recently I got feedback that a reader wanted more personal content on the blog, so I thought about it, thought about it some more, and then made an Instagram poll on the matter. The response was crazy! 100% response to yes that everyone would like to learn more about Diego, our daily life and just random things we get up to. I thought the perfect way to start this off would be to do a post on random facts about us, and then every Monday from now on there will be a blog post about our personal lives! Thursday posts will still be dedicated to reviews.

First I guess we start with me. My name is Morgan and I am officially an adult at 23 years old, although I would much prefer to pretend that I am still a child. Adulting is tough. I live in Upper Hutt, which is just outside of Wellington and for all extents and purposes it is easier to say I live in Wellington. I live alone with Diego and my two guinea pigs, BMO and Knuckles (If you want more blog posts on them, let me know). I work a full time job in the Government which is as boring as you can imagine it to be.

Diego is a three year old English Staffy crossed with a Miniature Long Haired Dachshund. I did get him from a pet shop. I realise that is terrible. He was from a puppy farm up in Levin where a staffy accidentally got into their bunch of breeding dachshunds so they decided to also make a quick buck off him. When I first got him he had never seen grass before and was scared of a daisy. It has been a big learning curve to teach him that not everything new is scary but he is a lot better now. He is perfect with children, can learn to get on with other animals and would never hurt a human although is nervous around males. He is dog-reactive, not in a super aggressive way but I will explain more about that in the next blog post.

As I said above, I work a full time job in an office. This means I am away from home from 7.15am til 3.45pm and Diego therefore is home alone. This is a hard thing to admit because I know a lot of people will look down on me or call me a terrible dog owner. Unfortunately I didn't really have any other choice, and I did use to come home in my lunch breaks to see him but I found this made him more anxious than needed. He has access to both inside the whole house, and the whole yard as well as having multiple toys, treats and bones to enjoy while I am gone. He did originally have separation anxiety when I got him back from living with my mum, but that has now all but gone. In the mornings when I put on my perfume he gets super excited knowing he will get his breakfast and actually couldn't care less that I am leaving.

My mother owns Chico, a retired Greyhound and my sister owns Ollie, a shepherd/collie mix. These two pooches both live up in Whanganui with them but also feature semi-regularly on my page as I love to visit and spend time with my family when I can. Diego absolutely adores both of these dogs, and if I even say Chico, Diego will get super excited and go looking for him.

I think that about does it for a personal intro! If there is anything at all you would like to know about us let me know, let's get super personal and admit all our good and bad!
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Multiple Dog Photoshoot

Hey! If you have ever tried to photograph more than one dog you know the real struggle behind what looks like a cute squad picture. I am so impressed that some people can get their dogs doing tricks together, or both looking cute at the same time. In our household, it takes fifty photos to get one half decent photo. So I thought I would share some of the photos that happen before the magic shot is achieved!


I'd love to see your fail shots too! Tag me on Facebook or Instagram.

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2017 Favourites

Hey! I know this is quite delayed, especially compared to everyone else's favourites. I apologise. I would love to pretend it is because I have spent the last three weeks hard at work thinking about my favourites, I haven't. Better late than never though. If you are an avid Daisy Pets follower and reader, I have a feeling you can guess a lot of my favourites but I hope to throw a couple of curve balls in there. I would also love to hear your favourites so leave me a comment on this post, on my Facebook or Instagram. I am also going to have a recap of 2017, and goals for 2018 video on our Youtube channel next Saturday, so head over and follow so you can be informed when that comes out!

Favourite Boredom Breaker: Kong Wobbler
Our Favourite Boredom Breaker product is the Kong Wobbler. I don't think this is going to be a surprise to anyone! Ever since Animates sent us this toy we have been using it frequently, if not daily before the Planet Dog Snoop was purchased, now it's more like every second day. This is how I feed Diego's breakfast when I head off to work, and it gives Diego a good few minutes of entertainment as he has to push it around to release his food. This is also a god send for Diego's excessively fast eating habits. It is quite a pricey toy, but well worth it. Diego hasn't managed to damage it apart from teeth marks on the outside but as a puppy he did chew another one until it could no longer be done up.

Favourite Ball: AlienFlex Meteor
2017 seemed to be the year I deprived Diego of a ball that he absolutely adores. Usually it is the Planet Dog Diamond Plate Ball which has been his favourite since 2015 but he lost it at the end of last year and I never got around to buying him another. Terrible dog mum I know! Diego has had multiple balls over the year, but none have really stuck in my brain as one he keeps going back to. However, the Alien Flex Meteor we got from Animates has stuck around for multiple months, has been played with at least a few times a week and is still in perfect form. It smells like bubblegum, has a random shape, and can double as a boredom breaker if you stuff it with treats.

Favourite Tug Toy: Katie's Bumpers
I only got this toy in December, however I know this is a top quality tug toy. I have really struggled to find Diego a decent tug toy that we can play with that doesn't get ripped within a few games. This toy is made out of the same material as fire hoses and is strong! Diego and I have played with this toy a lot and it only has a tiny hole in the corner. To be honest, that corner hole is because I left him with it on accident. From our general playing he hasn't made a dent in it! The handle also has a comfortable grip which makes tug play a lot more fun for me, I was sick of getting rope burn. The size of this toy means it would be good for dogs of Diego's size and upwards.

Favourite Training Treat: Daisy's Doggy Deli Treats
I couldn't decide out of all the amazing treats that Daisy's Doggy Deli make as to which one is our favourite, so I included them all. The main three are the chicken and beef jerkies, and the chicken & turmeric sausages! Diego adores these treats, and they work amazingly for trick training at home as well as training on Diego's reactivity issues. They are a healthy alternative to the jerkies available at the pet stores and supermarkets as they are just meat. They also are super smelly, peaking even the fussiest dogs interest. Feel free to check out our blog posts for more information on them!

Favourite Human Product: Oh My Fluffy Dog Apparel 
OMFD hit the New Zealand Dog Instagram Scene recently and has just exploded. They are all over my home screen, with dog owners across the country sporting their amazing tops and hat. I understand why, I am one of them. I have purchased three shirts, a sweatshirt and hat from them and intend on purchasing a lot more. They are amazing quality, with quirky dog related puns on the front and an incredible dog face silhouette on the back.

Favourite Walk: Waiohine Gorge (Tararua Forest)
This year I completed a bunch of amazing walks, especially during #300kmJune, however my favourite has to be one that we completed at the start of the year. This was Diego and I's first time meeting Ollie and it surprisingly was a hit from the start. We went on a hike to this beautiful clearing beside a picturesque river where we sent up camp. Stayed overnight and hiked out the next day. It was an awesome hike, with incredible views and was fairly easy the whole way. The whole journey Diego and Ollie spent racing each other around and every stop they would go into full wrestle mode. It was also the hike where I badly rolled my ankle only an hour or so in, and still had to complete atleast 7 hours of walking over the next 24 hours. I would definitely recommend this one, and would look at doing it again. I also got no photos of this walk, so of course I need to go back!

Favourite Instagram: TheDustyDingo
This Instagram is one of my favourites as you can tell they absolutely love their dogs, and are also so supportive of everyone else within the industry. Recently they have revamped their Instagram to show their weekly videos of training Dusty a new trick and I love it! Mady is a super talented dog trainer, and Dusty is both clever and gorgeous. I would definitely recommend checking this Instagram out if you are interested in anyway in trick training your dog. She also has recently started a blog and her posts are great! Make sure you check that out as well while you are at it.

Diego was lucky enough to be invited to the studio to participate in a photoshoot for Wolves of Wellington's Kickstarter campaign. Gretchen was amazing to work with, and although Diego's tongue was flopping all over the show, she managed to get some wicked photos of Diego sporting their new gear. Diego is currently the face of the Shaka Harness on their website! It's so cool to see those photos all over their Instagram and website and get to know the workings behind a professional photoshoot and setting up a Kickstarter. They also gave us a personalised bandana, plus a collar and leash as thanks for helping them out. 

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