

JeddyBears Tugs & Toys Dog Coats

Hello! During Winter, Diego would have free reign of the house and backyard but my house could lose heat very quickly. Diego sleeps overnight under the covers in my bed, so during the day I was worried that he might be getting cold. I had a couple of worries for dog coats though, I didn't want it to affect his movement at all. I needed it to be close fitting to his body so that he can curl up, run outside, do dog things without the coat impacting his movements or being caught on other things. If he were to get caught, I wanted something that would easily detach so that he isn't caught on something for the full day.

I was laying this out to Mady from TheDustyDingo who suggested her wonderful sister from JeddyBears Tugs & Toys could whip something up custom for Diego and I. All she needed was Diego's measurements and within a fortnight Diego was rocking this awesome new coat, for a deal of a price as well! I won't mention the price in this blog post as I am not 100% sure how she works out costs, and whether or not different fabrics or sizes will make the coat more expensive. All I can say is that these are the most reasonably priced coats I have found, that are made to measure and you have a choice in fabrics!

I got Diego's coat in this awesome tie-dye print which makes Diego look all sorts of flamboyant. I love it. The coat is attached by a large velcro strap under his belly and around his neck. This makes it super easy to get on, and off. Due to it also being made to measure, it sits snuggly along his body and hasn't yet been caught on anything or pee'd on! Big bonuses for that. The fabric is polar fleece, and is either two or three layers (I will get to it soon how I know there are three layers in some). This makes it super warming, but still easy to clean.

Mum loved the look of Diego's so much that she wanted one for Chico as he is always on the lookout for new coats. Once again, the wonderful JeddyBears Tugs & Toys whipped up an amazing coat using Chico's measurements. For Chico's coat they made it with a snood design, instead of velcro around the top making it keep his neck and ears a lot warmer.

Diego's coat has been washed and dried once in the few months he has had it because he is not super dirty. Chico's has been washed a few more times, but both have kept their shape, size and colour as if new. I can't confirm this would be the case forever, but they have definitely lasted well in the few months that we have been using them.

Chico definitely feels the cold more than Diego, and will make it known multiple times if he feels like you are not appreciating that he is cold. Due to this, we know what keeps Chico warm and what doesn't do the trick. Thankfully the JeddyBear Coat passes the Chico test of approval, as he doesn't constantly complain of the cold when he is wearing his coat. Chico loves to destroy things though, and as you can see, decided to chew the coat right off his own back. He has random bursts of energy where he will chomp whatever is closest to him, this could be a blanket, pillow, book, cord or even the coat he is wearing. This hasn't affected how warm the coat is, but it has made it look less presentable.

All in all, I love these coats so much and am tempted to buy more in different prints! For the price, and the fact that she custom makes them, she does an incredible job. I have even had people in the street come up to me to ask where they are from because Diego and Chico look so good in theirs. 10/10 would recommend if you are on the hunt for a dog coat to check her out!

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Clark & Co Shampoo and Perfume

Hey! The great thing about Facebook is the people you can connect with, and the random pages you can join that are filled with people that have the same common interest as you. One of those pages is a Girls in Business page, and that's where I first met the creator behind Clark & Co Petware. She was lovely enough to send me some of her Shampoo & Conditioner as well as some pet perfume to try out. This couldn't have come at a better time as Diego was well overdue for a wash!

I am going to start with the pet perfume because honestly, I can describe the scent better. Also I should probably mention, not only am I terrible at describing scents, I also have a very sensitive nose and therefore hate a lot of scents. If I say I hate it, I guarantee most other people will like it. We were sent the 'Warm Musk' version which is aimed towards male dogs. Their other perfume scent is 'Vanilla Pod' which you guessed it, is aimed at female dogs. Really though, what they are aimed at doesn't really matter and it's a human preference for scent anyway. Here comes me trying to describe the Warm Musk scent... I would say it is like a woody incense smell. It is super strong, and one spritz will go along way!

The perfume can be used in multiple ways, with the common options being straight onto your dogs fur and brushed through, or my preferred option which is spritzing it onto your dogs bedding, coats and areas to make them smell nicer. I prefer Diego's body to be pretty neutral in regards to scent due to me having to sleep with him, and my distaste to most smells. That's why I decided not to spray it directly onto him. However, I sprayed all of his dog bed, blanket (Not that he uses these very often) and coat. I maybe spritzed a couple on his bed, couple on his blanket and one on his coat and that was enough to make our house smell nice for at least a week afterwards. It's been over a fortnight now since I originally spritzed his bedding, but still when I move it or get close you can smell the nice scent. This is such a good thing because dog perfumes I have tried in the past generally wear off within a day, or start to smell strange after a length of time. If I am being honest, this smell actually ages really nicely and smells better the more 'worn in' it is.

Funny story, I took the perfume up to my mums house as there are always complaints about the wet dog smell that Ollie brings into the house. I told her to use it on the bedding, her top sheet that Chico lays on, his coats, pretty much anything the dogs have ever looked at, I told her to spritz. A worker came over to the house to measure some lights up, and I went out to take the dogs for a walk. When I returned, the scent slammed me in the face when I walked through the door. My mother obviously missed the memo I gave her about a little going along way, and COATED EVERYTHING in the perfume. You couldn't smell a thing but a woody incense. The best part, the man had to come back to give her some paperwork and I was certain it looked like she put the scent around to show him her house as more appealing.

Now to the shampoo, we were gifted the Sensitive version of their 2 in 1 formula as I told her about how Chico has flakey skin and I was going to be trialling it on him. I cannot for the life of me tell you what this smells like, but what I definitely know is that I like it. I have a dislike to the smell of most dog shampoos, I find they make me very queazy so to find one that I actually enjoy the scent of is a big deal. Also, the scent while washing, and when on Diego is pretty consistent and doesn't leave too much of a lingering smell that is overwhelming on the dog. This is a big bonus to all us sensitive to smell people! I checked the Clark & Co site and still couldn't find a description of the scent, so you are going to have to just trust my word on this that it isn't bad!

I love this shampoo. It is super easy to use as it's in a reasonably sized bottle, with a pump that is the right sensitivity level that you can press down with ease while holding a dog that wants to leave the shower, but also not too easy to press that when it gets hit over it leaks liquid. You do not need more than a pump to give a good lather which means it lasts a long time too. I have washed Diego twice; and Ollie and Chico once and the bottle looks more than 3/4 full! The most important part is that it cleans them, and I find that it does. We washed all the dogs after a beach trip where both Diego and Chico decided to roll in a goat carcass, which trust me is not a scent you ever want to smell. The shampoo worked a treat and both dogs smelled as good as new! It also left both dogs with glowing, soft coats and Chico had no flakey skin or dandruff.

All in all, I will definitely be purchasing the shampoo again and is something that I would recommend to people looking for a good, local shampoo. The perfume is lovely, but is somewhat of a luxury and not something that I believe everyone needs. The good thing is though, that one bottle would last you a lifetime as you need to use very little to get good payoff. I will continue to use the perfume on Diego's bedding as it works a treat for that, and who knows, maybe once it does run out I will realise how much I need it. The price point that both these products stand at is very reasonable for how many uses you will get, and how effectively they work. I have to admit I don't usually go for a liquid shampoo because of how messy they get, how easily the run out and the plastic element, however this shampoo from Clark & Co removes two of these problems for me.

Let me know your thoughts if you have tried these products!

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Eco-Friendly Ways of Disposing of Dog Waste

Hey! This post came about due to the Plastic-Free July movement, and was originally meant to be written in July but we can see how well that went. Although, it could be a good thing as it keeps eco-friendly and plastic free at the front of our minds. I think disposing of dog waste has to be one of the biggest struggles I have had with retaining a plastic free lifestyle. Dog waste is not something that we really want to spend too long touching or dealing with, so therefore it doesn’t come up in our minds very much either. Let me be honest in saying, that I haven’t really found the perfect answer yet, but have found some options that I don’t absolutely hate. 

Dog waste at the home is the easiest to deal with, comparative to that that occurs on dog walks. There are multiple options, and most of them are not too disgusting or time consuming. 

What I used to do, and what I feel like lots of families do is use one supermarket plastic bag and use it until it is filled up. This does mean that you are still using plastic, so that’s a downside, but you are also utilising that plastic to the utter most limit. With Diego, this is a couple of weeks worth of poo to one bag. For bigger, or for multiple dogs it could just be a weeks worth. Another downside is that you either have to only pick up dog poo weekly/fortnightly or you have to keep a bag of dog crap somewhere on your property for the same period. Both options are not the most pleasant, but I would say the latter is my option.

I have recently converted over to this technique, which I admit is a lot more time consuming, and would only be realistic for a small property. I have been picking up his waste and putting it straight into the toilet. This means there is no use of plastic, and you can clean up the yard as you wish. This one takes a lot longer because you have to go from the yard, inside to the bathroom, and repeat. This one does use water though, so it’s one of those things that you have to weigh up what you care more about, plastic or water use. 

At a local store, I found a dog waste composting system which is currently on my Wishlist for a future pay. This works by digging the system into your yard, or where you plant flowers (no human-consumption plants though). You then place the dog waste in, sprinkle some of their powder on it and supposedly it will then decompose nicely and make a nutrient rich soil. I talked to the woman at the store and she couldn’t speak more highly of the system. She said there is no smell which you would expect of a pile of poo decomposing in your yard, and that it actually decomposes. Once the system is full in that area, you can just move it to a new spot. I can’t speak of how well this works since I haven’t used it, but I personally think that this is an amazing idea and I will be trying it in the future.

When walking your dog I think it’s a lot harder. You obviously have to pick this waste up, without any apparatuses (unless you want to take them on a walk with you) and generally will have to carry it for a length of time. A lot of the hikes I go on do not have dog waste bins along the trail, or even at the entrance so we are often having to bring waste home too! 

I currently don’t have the best option for this type of waste removal. I still use plastic bags, however I have been using a range of eco-friendly, biodegradable bags. I have currently a couple of rolls of bags in rotation (I have found having multiple bag holders, one for each lead works better than swapping them out) some of them being Earth Rated. These ones supposedly can break down within 24 months, which is a much shorter lifetime than traditional bags. These ones also smell of lavender, which takes over any scent of poo no matter how long you hold the bag. It is actually incredible and changes the way I look at picking up dog poo, especially when I am out walking with non-dog people. 

I know this post was a bit of a weird one, but I hope you enjoyed it, and potentially learnt something new. I think its good to make small steps towards being eco-friendly. Dog waste is something that always makes me feel bad about my plastic consumption, but I think making small steps every walk/poop is amazing. I really would love to hear what you do, or have read as to another option on how to deal with this! 
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September Book Club

I love a good animal themed book, and have done a few book reviews in the past. Instead of doing an individual book review for each, I decided to put two of my most recent reads into one post. It is always hard for me to write book reviews because for one, I am not an English major so cannot give you any good answers on how a book is written, and two, I don't want to give too much information away. I am still unsure of how much is too much to ruin a book, and how much is too little that it doesn't interest people. I hope I have found a medium, but I am really not sure. I also apologise in advance for my lack of personal photos. I did take them, but with the breakdown of my Macbook, I have been unable to get them off of my camera. Hopefully, i'll be able to get that fixed in time for my next post.

The Elephant Whisperer | Lawrence Anthony

I don't know if you know, but all my life I have wanted to travel to Africa. I wanted to travel to Africa before I even realised it wasn't a country, but was made up of many countries. I have always loved the idea of wildlife just free roaming across plains as far as the eye can see, and my favourite animal for the longest time has been the hippopotamus. I love Jane Goodall and the work she has done over there. I used to spend my hours watching documentaries about wild animals in Africa, so this book was kind of nostalgic in that way.

The book follows Lawrence as he recently purchases Thula Thula game reserve in Zululand, and from there is asked to take on a herd of wild elephants that were anything but easy. As with any book that follows the life of creatures in the wild, it contains a lot of hair-raising moments, but also many happy and sad tales. I loved the mix of these throughout the book, and will admit to crying at a few moments, thankfully in the comfort of my own bed and not on the train where I often read this book.

I think anyone that works with any type of animal will really connect with this book, with Lawrence and with the herd of elephants. I think we can all grasp the concept of how these giant beasts will all have minds, feelings and memories of their own and why they were the way they were. The bond that Lawrence makes with these giants is unlike anything I have ever heard of, and something truly special. Enough so to make me want to urgently buy a plane ticket and go to Thula Thula myself!

This is probably one of my favourite books I have read all year, and one that I think many people would enjoy. Lawrence's writing was easy to follow along, and it was an enjoyable, easy read. Some books are hard to follow/read before bed, but I found this book the perfect way to relax after a long day. I love a book with a picture section as well, and often found myself going back to look at photos that relate to the current section I was reading to get a better idea of what was happening. 

A Wolf called Romeo | Nick Jans

This book was harder to get into than the first book. I found Nick's writing style to be harder to follow along, and more repetitive in what he was talking about. At points it felt like Nick was just writing for the sake of bulking the book out, instead of writing to give us more context. I think that is a shame though because the books topic is a great one.

About half way through the book I finally managed to get wrapped up in it, and learn to love the characters within the book. By the way, both of these books are biographies and 100% real. This book follows a wolf, affectionately dubbed Romeo by the town, that lived within a National Park. The difference about this wolf is that it loved dogs, and would spend many an hour playing with the local dogs that walked this park. The book centres around Romeo, but is written from Nick's point of view. Nick lived close to the National Park and became obsessed with the wolf, as you can imagine one would with a friendly wolf living so close.

I have to say that one of my favourite parts of this book was the amount of photos that were added in. This really gave me a feel for the story, and gave me something to compare the stories to. You could really see the size difference between Romeo and the dogs he interacted with, as well as take in the amazing Alaskan scenery that Romeo was amongst.

This story, like the Elephant story, contains both happy and sad moments, and near the end I felt myself more and more gripped by the tales. I personally didn't like Nick's writing style, and that prevented me from wholeheartedly loving this book. The storyline, and story of Romeo is fantastic and is what I think saved this book. If you have patience to read through more details than necessary, I believe you will enjoy this book and the lessens that can be learnt from it.

I would love to know your book recommendations, they can also be non-animal related as the next book I am reading is 'Hearts in Atlantis' by Stephen King. I love a bit of variety in my reading, but really do love sinking back into an animal related book to fuel my passion for them, but also inspire me to be a better person.
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