

October Favourites

Hey! We use a lot of different products, and go through many different treats and I know that a lot of those products never get mentioned. I have decided that a good way to wrap up the past month of trialling products is that we do a favourites list. Each month we will list our favourite thing under certain catergories so you can find out more about the things we are appreciating. This way, you can find out a lot more about what we have been loving. This will not replace current reviews that we often post.

Favourite Walk: Off-Leash Dog Park
This was not a hard choice, the number one place we go every weekend is the off leash dog park. We don't generally go during the week because it is a bit of a drive, but every weekend in October we packed up the dogs and took them to the park. This is a fenced in area that means we can let Asha off leash since his recall is seriously lacking. While we are there, we throw a ball for Diego while Asha runs around finding the best spots to wee. There is often a lot of dogs there as well which means both dogs get some great socialisation. I am yet to find a more efficient way to tire both dogs out without walking for hours. The one thing I will say about this park is that I don't recommend it for dogs that are likely to get aggressive in the presence of lots of other dogs. Because all dogs are off leash, it means there is a lot of dogs in each others faces and if your dog cannot cope with that, I would suggest visiting somewhere else. Otherwise, perfect for any dog, even the most 'glued-on ears' dogs will be great here.

Favourite Treat: Harringtons Training Treats
This brings back some memories from when we first started getting Bow Wow Boxes, and these treats were featured in the box. Diego absolutely loved these, so we went down to a local supermarket and purchased about ten packs. We done a giveaway for some of them, and the other packets were slowly used during the year. This one packet obviously got lost in the chaos which is our pet area, and I was trying to find good treats for training Diego to Play Dead and came across these again. They worked perfect, and meant that Diego learnt how to Play Dead in record time. They are soft enough to break into smaller pieces, or keep them large for the bigger dogs, and are perfect consistency that they don't halt training too much for chewing. We have a more in-depth review here.

Favourite Dog Toy: Zee.Dog Eggplant
We picked this toy up from Wolves of Wellington at the Tess the Dachshund charity event, and every time we gave it to Diego he went loco. When we first started giving it to him, we didn't put any food in it, he just loved the idea of fetch as it went bouncing multiple different directions. Unfortunately, Diego being Diego, he ripped the top off of it within about ten minutes of chewing it while I made dinner. This didn't affect his love for the toy though, and now he is even more happy because he loves playing with both pieces. We now put treats inside while we go out, and he has access from both ends to get to the centre goodness. I will have a full review of this within the month of November.

Favourite Extra: Mudwiggle Doggy Bandanas
Our favourite extra for this month had to be the Mudwiggle Doggy Bandanas. Diego wore his every day for the whole month, and Asha would have, if Diego hadn't decided that dragging him by the bandana was a good idea. We got plenty of compliments over the month on these, especially when we were at the HUHA Collection Day! So many people asked where it was from, or just complimented us on how awesome it looked on Diego. I am now upset because they have no general bandanas, and I feel that the Halloween ones will be too much for every month. Maybe that just means I have to purchase more.

Favourite Vegetable: Celery
The guinea pigs needed a mention in our favourites, however we don't change too much in their daily routine month to month so found it hard to come up with an idea on what we can put in. I finally decided that vegetable would be good because each time we got to the markets, a different vegetable is in season and therefore this is the major thing that changes in the pigs lives. This month they have been really enjoying celery, even eating that before carrots or lettuce! Celery doesn't offer much nutritional value but because they enjoy it so much we generally put a small bit in each day. One thing to make sure of, is that you chop the celery into smaller segments to avoid the string that celery has, getting caught in the pigs internal tracks.

Favourite Event: HUHA Collection Day
This month we only had two events, the HUHA Collection Day and the Pet Expo. Although at the time of writing this, we haven't yet been to the Pet Expo. If that one is good enough, you might hear about it in the November Favourites. Anyway, we spent a day collecting donations in Central Wellington for HUHA, and you we wrote a blog post all about it. We love HUHA and being able to help them out by spending a day on the streets is well worth it. HUHA do an amazing job for pets and animals in New Zealand.

What were your favourites for the month of October? Any new products that stand out for you? Leave a comment below.

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