

November Favourites

As we did last month, we are going to wrap up the month that was with a list of our favourites in each category. I have added a few extra categories from last month, because although we lacked a little in posts this month, we did trial a lot of new and wonderful things and found some firm favourites.

Favourite Dog Walk: Lower Hutt River Trail
We haven't been very adventurous in our walks this month, mainly sticking to what we know and what is close. A very close walk to us, and one that we went on nearly daily was the River Trail. The actual trail is a long strip of riverbank that covers the whole Hutt River, so if you wanted you could walk from Petone all the way up past Upper Hutt without having to make any detours or walk on other paths. The walk we have been doing a lot is around the Lower Hutt area, where there is open fields for Diego to zoom around on. It is the perfect walk because it can really be any length, if you want a shorter walk you stick to the river itself, or the large fields next to the river. If you want to go for a longer walk, you leash the dogs and continue down the track in either direction for as far as you like. The dogs are allowed off-leash here in certain areas, others are leashed. They do supply doggy poo bags at regular intervals along the track, however, they certainly lack bins with only one available at where we start.

Favourite Dog Treat: Leanlix
Leanlix has definitely been the favourite treat of the month, with it being used almost daily to teach Diego new tricks and cement older tricks. I love this product and will be doing a full in depth review within the next few weeks. A quick over view of this is that it is a treat stick which you can roll up, and as a reward the dog licks it. This means a lot fewer calories for the dog, and they don't get as full. Especially if you are training a lot, or need to praise a dog often in the day. Diego loves this, although he doesn't understand the licking method and prefers to dig his teeth into it. We took it to a recent photoshoot and everyone there loved it. We got our Leanlix from Puss & Pooch, who are amazing and have offered us a 25% discount code for all the products on their site, including the Leanlix. If you want to make the most of that offer, at the checkout put in the code 'DAISYPETS' and it will automatically put your discount on.

Favourite Dog Toy: Nylabone Dental Dinosaur Chew
Back in April of this year we ordered a large bunch of toys off of Amazon to try and test out potential Tough Dog Toys. At the time we ordered this Nylabone in the shape of a dinosaur. It is still around to this day, although not recognisable as a dinosaur. We hadn't seen it for a while, but when we were moving house, it re-emerged and ever since then Diego is always chewing on it. People have mixed opinions on Nylabones and how good they actually are, but this toy has enough give that it does slowly break down. I also have a review coming up on this product, as part of our Tough Dog Toy Hunt.

Favourite Dog Extra: Peticare Homeopathy Oils
Asha has a fear of loud noises, and fireworks are definitely one of his worst fears. With it being Guy Fawkes there has been lots of fireworks being let off. Usually this would set him off on a mad panic, however, we were putting some of the Calming Remedy drops into his water, and on his gums and it calmed him right down. He was still alert, but didn't pant or get too anxious about it at all. We also gave him some of the wound drops as he pulled his toenail and I obviously can't give you an exact answer on how this changed his attitude towards the nail, but it didn't seem to be sore for very long. We won these oils from the Pet Expo, and got the pack of four sent to us.

Favourite Guinea Pig Vegetable: Lettuce
I love this time of year, when salad ingredients start getting cheaper, and the variety of fruits for me starts growing. This means that a staple in the Guinea Pigs diet is Lettuce, as it is super cheap. The guinea pigs always love lettuce, and it is generally one of the first vegetables they eat when its vege time. I also love how easy it is to use as an interactive tool, and so I will be doing a post in the next month on the many ways you can feed lettuce to your pigs to utilise their brains and exercise them a bit.

Favourite Guinea Pig Extra: Wooden Hut
My sister was doing woodwork at school and one of her projects was this awesome wooden hut, which she has gifted to the pigs. It has all been waterproofed, and is made with pet safe materials. I was so impressed by her handiwork on this one, as she is only twelve! BMO especially has been loving this, and it is very hard to get him out of it. Diego had destroyed all of the pigs cuddle sacks (Typical Diego) so it was great to be able to give them a new hidey in their cage.

Favourite Event: Hattie & Friends Photoshoot
Diego was invited to model for Hattie & Friends for their upcoming store launch. It was an awesome day out in Wellington, and thankfully the weather was good for us. Diego was well behaved for the photos, and proudly showed off his stuff with the help of some treats and a soft toy. It was awesome to meet so many people and dogs that I had seen online, and finally put a face to their names. All the dogs were well behaved, and so cute. After the initial shoot, we headed to the dog park where some more shots were taken of the dogs playing. At this point, Diego stole a rugby ball, and outran every other dog for it. Unfortunately, that ended in an altercation as Diego had decided to claim this poor pups ball. A rugby ball is now on our next purchase list. Hattie & Friends is now live, so go check them out and hopefully you can spot Diego in some of their photos!

What have been some of your favourites this month?

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