

Castle Cliff Beach, Whanganui

Hey! During January, and the start of February we stayed in Whanganui. We had a lot of free time on our hands, so Diego and I got to explore many different walks and areas that Whanganui had to offer us. My stand out favourite, and definitely the dogs favourite was Castle Cliff Beach. This was only a ten minute drive from the house we were staying at, and offered us an amazing area to exercise the dogs in the evenings. It's one of those great walks that you can chose the length, time and effort that you have to put into it, and still makes sure the dogs get a fantastic, tiring walk.

Dogs are allowed on most of the beach, the only part that is off limits to them is straight in front of the main car parking area. This is the area where the life guards are on duty, and therefore a lot more people and swimmers. Along the rest of the beach it is generally quite deserted, apart from a couple of lone couples walking the length. During our stay in Whanganui, we visited this beach a lot, and never really felt like the beach was overly busy. Of course, we went in the evenings, but still we only ever encountered lone couples wandering the beach, or a couple of dogs here and there.

The great thing about this beach is that there isn't a road close by, so for dogs that like to really run (Chico I am looking at you) it means you can freely let them do this without worry that they may end up on the road. There is a worry of driftwood, which this beach contains a lot of up along the sand dunes, so you will have to keep an eye out for any injuries if your dog is charging through that. If your dog likes to chase sticks though, all that driftwood ends up as a good thing as there will be endless sticks to play with.

I couldn't find any maps showing the length of the beach, however it would take us approximately 30-45 minutes to walk the length of the beach and back. This was without stops or taking in the sights. The time obviously lengthened when we stopped to playing fetch with Diego or to watch Chico bound crazily along the shoreline. As I said above, this is one of those walks where you can truly decide how much time and effort you want to spend here. If you want minimal effort, and time you can pick up a piece of driftwood and play fetch. For a longer walk you can do the length and back like we did.

The beach is also made up of black sand, which is amazing to look at, but can become incredibly hot during the Summer months. This made is impossible to walk the dogs during the day. If you are visiting the beach on hotter days go early morning or late evening, otherwise during colder days and Winter you should be fine to walk your dogs during the day. Always check the sand first by holding the back of your hand flat onto the sand for five to ten seconds. If you can't do that, it is too hot for your dogs paws.

Something to be aware of, although I am not sure how big of a problem it is, is that on our last walk there was a lot of washed up Bluebottle Jellyfish. We visited this beach every couple of days for the month that we were living up in Whanganui, however it was only on the last visit that we saw these Jellyfish. Not sure if this is a reoccurring problem, or if it just happened to be a once off thing.

I definitely recommend this beach to anyone visiting Whanganui or even just passing through. I would love to hear from other people that have visited this beach, and what your thoughts were. Leave me a comment below :)

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Where art thou pigs?

Hello! I feel like all I have been doing lately is making excuses, and then writing update posts to tell you all why I have been missing in action. I want to stop this, but first I feel the need to write that update post to make those excuses so we can then all start afresh.

Where are we?
We were temporarily homeless down in Wellington so we scurried up to Whanganui for about a month where we lived with my mother and her boyfriend. Diego and I did move into a new flat though, in Wellington where we are finally settling it and getting into the swing of life again. We are flatting with a lovely guy and his dog, which means that Diego gets company during the day while I am at work. It has all worked out super well.

Where art thou pigs?
If you have been following our blog for a while, you will know that since the beginning we have had little BMO, the Rex Guinea Pig and then a couple of months later, as a friend for him we got Knuckles. I love these little guys, and I love how each of them over the years have started to show their individual personalities. When we moved into the new flat, I did bring the pigs, unfortunately our flatmates dog took a particular interest in them, and would have loved to get into the cage with them. This put stress on the pigs, and onto Patch who was forever trying to get into my room to see them. We decided that it would be best to move the pigs up to Whanganui to live with my mum and sisters where they would be loved 100%, and would have no worry of a dog nibbling on them. It has been upsetting to not have them around, but it is the best for all parties involved.

Why haven't you posted?
Now with all the other things that I have mentioned above, I also have recently started a new full time job, which has meant a lot less spare time. Any spare time I do get is taken up by walking Diego or just maintaining my sanity. I am now settled into my new flat, and into my job and hope to work out a good system where I can post amazing content here, as well as maintaining my life outside of the blog. Another reason I haven't been posting as much is that I have been buying a lot less products for Diego, and am now using up products that we already had, or just reusing toys. I find that I like product posts a lot more than random posts like this one I am currently writing. We have been exploring a load of new walks recently though, so I would be happy to write about those with some photos if you would be interested in reading that. Leave me a comment if you would like that!

How is Diego?
He is great, and is also settling in nicely to our new surroundings. He has some strange traits though, that we are currently working out. He will randomly lunge at Patch, the flatmates dog, but other times is completely happy having him around and even plays with him. I haven't managed to work out what sets him off, I figure he is protecting me though which I will have to nip in the bud. We are also looking at starting agility training soon as he is now at the perfect age to start. He has heaps of energy, and a fantastic jump on him so it will be exciting to see how well he does at this new sport.

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Book Review: Chaser by John W. Pilley

Hey! If you have kept up with every animal that has gone viral on the internet, then you will know of Chaser, a Border Collie that knows over 1,000 words! However, if like me, you missed this craze, then watch this video and come back to this book review: Nova ScienceNow: How smart are Dogs?

Chaser, who is owned and trained by John Pilley, is thought to be the worlds smartest dog. She has learnt the names of over 1,000 toys in her collection, and can not only pick them out of a bunch, she can also follow commands on what to do with said object. John Pilley is a retired psychologist who has spent 4 - 5 hours every day since he first got Chaser teaching her these words and commands to test how intelligent dogs really are.  Now that you know a bit more about Chaser and John Pilley, let's get into the book review!

To start with, this is a book written by a psychologist who has been testing for intelligence, so therefore the book is based around science. However, that doesn't mean it is a hard read. John has written it in a way that both avid science readers, and everyday people can both enjoy and understand the book. He will use some specific terminology for what he is researching and training towards, but then explain it in layman's terms. I found that it wasn't one of the most gripping reads, I didn't feel the need to continue reading constantly until it was finished. This, of course, is personal preference but it is a good thing to note if you prefer gripping reads.

What I really love about this book is that it follows Chaser's life from the first day that John got her, right up to today. John breaks down certain training techniques he used for certain tasks, as well as basic day to day training for things like chasing cars. This means that readers are then able to replicate some of his training sessions at home with their own dogs, and potentially unleash some unknown knowledge in their own pooch. This is also valuable because a lot of people worry about the welfare of animals that are being researched, but John makes sure to mention that Chaser's wellbeing and love of life comes before any research task. She really is a piece of the family.

Another thing that I appreciate in this book is his mentions of Clever Hans. If you have ever read about any animal intelligence, most will link back to the Clever Hans Effect and how they have to try and dispel this. John explains Clever Hans perfectly, and then connects it back to his training with Chaser to make sure that there is no chance of this effect coming into play. If you aren't sure what the Clever Hans Effect is, let me try and do my own explanation. Clever Hans was a horse who back in 1907 was trained to do maths equations and would tap out the answer. Everyone at the time was amazed, however it was later dispelled. Clever Hans didn't actually know how to do maths equations, he actually was following tiny prompts from the humans asking the questions so he knew when the correct answer was done, he could stop tapping. Ever since then, animal researchers have had to make sure that any research and tests they done were done in a way that there was no way they were unconsciously prompting the animal.

I don't want to go into any more detail about the book as I don't want to ruin it for the people who do want to read it for themselves. I think all in all I would recommend this book, as it has provided me some insight into what dogs can achieve, but also made me more aware of training techniques I can now use with Diego. I like the idea that I can implement some of these into our short training sessions each day, and unleash some of Diego's potential. I wish I had the 4 - 5 hours a day to work with him, as John has!
If you have read this book, leave me a comment below telling me what you thought of it.

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Peanut Butter Bacon Dog Treat Recipe

Hey! I always am on the lookout for easy, quick and inexpensive dog treat recipes that I can make from home. I love the idea of knowing exactly what is going into my dogs treats, and also they make a great gift to friends and family for holidays. With that being said, in December I went on the lookout for a great recipe that I could use to bake some cookies for the dogs that I know. Thus, I found this recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction, tweaked it ever so slightly, and made amazing cookies. My mother loved them for her Greyhound so much, she asked for a second batch! I decided to film the process for you, so you can see how quick and easy they are!

To make these cookies you will need:
  • 1c Peanut Butter
  • 3/4c Non-Fat Milk
  • 1 Egg
  • 2c Wholewheat flour
  • 1T Baking Powder
  • 1/4c Rolled Oats
  • 3 strips Bacon

All you need to do now is follow these easy steps:

1. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees celcius. 
2. Cook bacon and leave to the side to cool while you mix together the other ingredients.
3. In a bowl, mix together egg, peanut butter and milk. Add in the flour and the baking powder and mix again. This will start to become a tough mixture.
4. Chop up the bacon into tiny pieces. Add this and the rolled oats into the mixture. At this point you may need to use your hands to combine ingredients.
5. Roll out onto a floured work surface, and cut out your choice of shapes. You may do this with a cookie cutter, or freehand with a knife.
6. Put into the oven for 18 - 20 minutes, flip them over and continue to cook for an additional 8 - 10.
7. Leave to cool before serving.

Depending on the size of your cookies is how many you will make. Both times we managed to fill up two baking trays with treats, and this was enough to gift for 8+ dogs. 
You can freeze these treats for up to 2 months, or keep them in a fridge for a week.

If you recreate these treats, we would love to see them so send us a photo on our Facebook or Instagram!

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The Year That's Been: 2015 Forth Quarter


October was a super busy month for DaisyPets, not only were we doing DaisyPets Halloween where we posted every Monday and Thursday for the whole month but October is the month of Daisy's birth as well as her passing. So the first photo is the flowers that I got for Daisy's birthday which is the 1st of October. They were beautiful, and smelled amazing so I kept them inside with me for a week or so before putting them on her grave. Next is a photo of Diego with his new rubber chicken toy that he got from the Bow Wow Box, he loved the rubber of this toy, and the interesting sound it made, but as we all know, it didn't last long. Lastly is a photo of BMO with our Capsicum Jack 'o' Lanterns, I love this photo of him right before he grabbed it and dragged it into his den. 


November was another busy month so it was hard to chose my favourite photos. I love this one of Diego looking into the camera, and now have it on the back of our Daisy Pets business cards. The next is of Diego out in the backyard enjoying the Spring sunshine, I have photoshopped out a rubbish bag from this picture which I am quite pleased with. In the month of November, my mother finally got the greyhound she has always been wanting, so we took him and Diego down to the beach for Chico's first time. He absolutely loved it, and here is a photo from that trip. Since then we have found that the beach is definitely Chico's favourite place to be. 


For the last month of the year, and the start of Summer we have this great photo of Diego looking up at his favourite toy ball which is behind the camera. This is going to be my new trick in trying to get his attention for photographs, have a great toy behind the lense. Next we have a Christmas themed shoot with BMO, who also somehow managed to get a large chunk of his ear removed before this shoot. I am still not sure how or when this happened, but it is completely healed and he seems to have no worries with it. Finally, we have a photo from the Wolves of Wellington Charity fundraiser, which was another first experience for Chico. Diego was very cute and kept going over to check on Chico and make sure he was alright. I love the bond that these two now share.

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