

The Year That's Been: 2015 Forth Quarter


October was a super busy month for DaisyPets, not only were we doing DaisyPets Halloween where we posted every Monday and Thursday for the whole month but October is the month of Daisy's birth as well as her passing. So the first photo is the flowers that I got for Daisy's birthday which is the 1st of October. They were beautiful, and smelled amazing so I kept them inside with me for a week or so before putting them on her grave. Next is a photo of Diego with his new rubber chicken toy that he got from the Bow Wow Box, he loved the rubber of this toy, and the interesting sound it made, but as we all know, it didn't last long. Lastly is a photo of BMO with our Capsicum Jack 'o' Lanterns, I love this photo of him right before he grabbed it and dragged it into his den. 


November was another busy month so it was hard to chose my favourite photos. I love this one of Diego looking into the camera, and now have it on the back of our Daisy Pets business cards. The next is of Diego out in the backyard enjoying the Spring sunshine, I have photoshopped out a rubbish bag from this picture which I am quite pleased with. In the month of November, my mother finally got the greyhound she has always been wanting, so we took him and Diego down to the beach for Chico's first time. He absolutely loved it, and here is a photo from that trip. Since then we have found that the beach is definitely Chico's favourite place to be. 


For the last month of the year, and the start of Summer we have this great photo of Diego looking up at his favourite toy ball which is behind the camera. This is going to be my new trick in trying to get his attention for photographs, have a great toy behind the lense. Next we have a Christmas themed shoot with BMO, who also somehow managed to get a large chunk of his ear removed before this shoot. I am still not sure how or when this happened, but it is completely healed and he seems to have no worries with it. Finally, we have a photo from the Wolves of Wellington Charity fundraiser, which was another first experience for Chico. Diego was very cute and kept going over to check on Chico and make sure he was alright. I love the bond that these two now share.

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