

The Year That's Been: 2015 Third Quarter


July is the start of continuous bad weather for my part of the world. Luckily we got a few days of sunshine in amongst that. The first picture is from our walk to Pencarrow Lighthouse, which is approximately a six hour walk there and back. As you can see from Diego's ears, it was quite windy the day that we went.  The next photo is Diego enjoying his Jolly Pets ball, while it still actually looked like a ball. These days it doesn't resemble a ball very much.


In August we done a post with Puss & Pooch for Yakky Charms, and the top photo is one of the set up photoshoots we done for that post. This is one of the first photos that I have actually set up a background and made Diego pose for, and I quite like it. The next photo is Diego playing with a new toy he got out of a Bow Wow Box, its safe to say that that toy didn't last much past that photo. 


I had so many photos from September, a lot were preparing for our Halloween month, and we also went to a charity fundraiser where I took a bunch of photos of the pooches that attended. First photo is my younger sister with Knuckles, we were going to do a video shoot to welcome DaisyPets Halloween, but ran out of time so this is a still shot from that. Next is Diego and Asha from the Tess the Dachshund charity event, the only photo of them two together! I was staying at mums for a couple of weeks in September, and therefore got the opportunity to take photos of her cats, this one is of Missy relaxing in the sun. Last photo of this quarter is Diego with his Zee.Dog Eggplant toy that we got from Wolves of Wellington. He absolutely loves this toy, and to this day still plays with it regularly. 

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