

Treat Review: Hundur's Crunch Jerky Rolls

Diego recently has taken up a new hobby. It's not a hobby I personally enjoy, nor do I promote it. He has taken to charging full speed to people across a stretch of land when on our walks. It doesn't matter if they are alone, if they are with kids, if they have a dog, anyone that he can see, he will go and check out. This makes for a very uncomfortable run for me across the expanse of land that he has decided to charge across. He means no harm, and is a friendly dog, but really it is something that no one likes. To combat this problem, I have started taking treats along on our walks and often practicing recall when there is no one around. When there is someone, I have started putting him on a lead. Just until I can hundred percent guarantee he will listen to me.

Coming back to me when there is something else more enticing is not the first choice of Diego's, so I have to bring some very smelly, and enjoyable treats. Recently, we were lucky enough to be sent some Hundur's Crunch Jerky Rolls from the lovely Janelle at Puss & Pooch. This is an all new product that she has got for New Zealand customers, and I was excited to try them out.

Hundur's Crunch are 100% fish, so there is no corn, wheat, soy or by-products meal added into the treats. This is amazing in a world where a lot of the pet food and treats contains so many less than perfect ingredients. Fish is high in Omega 3 which supports healthy skin and coat. What also is nice about this product is that the fish themselves are responsibly caught and sourced in Iceland.

Hundur's Crunch come in a few different styles of the same treat, and we have the Jerky Roll version. These are circle disk treats, that would suit any sized dog as a treat on their own. The disks are too big to be used as a reward for when out and about, or for use during training, however, they do suit giving to your pets when you feel the need to give them a decent sized treat. The treats, when chewed by a dog, have a flakey consistency that you would imagine of fish all smashed together into a shape, and they are eaten easily. This means that if given whole, the treat will also be helping to remove plaque and clean dogs teeth. However, if you are wanting to break these to use for smaller sized treats, like I have been with Diego, they are quite tough and hard to break. I have found the best method to break them into smaller pieces is to smash the roll with a hammer.

These treats are very smelly! They smell as you can imagine 100% fish treats would smell, and the dogs go crazy for them. The scent isn't as off putting as the Lamb Hearts that I reviewed HERE. The smell easily leaves the fingers once you wash your hands, and when out on my walks I hardly noticed the scent at all.

The dogs loved these treats. Diego would come racing from all parts of the park to make sure he got some of these. Chico also really loved them, that at one point he nearly took off my whole hand because he couldn't wait to chew on them. These are guilt free treats as well, since nothing bad has gone into them, and fish is a wonderful addition to a dogs diet. I would definitely recommend these to anyone who is on the market for some new treats to try. I am even purchasing more right after I type up this blog post, and I will be trying the other styles as well. I will have to do a comparison post on them all for you as well.

At the moment, these treats are available HERE. As well as these treats, the brand makes a few others that you can also purchase from that link. I would love to know how you feel about these treats if you have tried them, so leave me a comment down below.

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