

October Craziness

What a crazy last week I have had! October has not only flown by, it also has been so jammed packed with events and activities that I couldn't even fully get into the Halloween spirit. I apologise that I never got around to posting any Halloween themed posts but I can happily say that regular posts will pick back up shortly (big things are looming).

This past weekend I helped my mother shift house, which is a terrible task within itself, add to that she has two children (not including me), two dogs, two guinea pigs, a bird, three chickens and three cats to move, you can imagine how hectic that weekend was! This new house is adorable, and reminds me so much of a cottage. As I am writing this it already feels like home, in the way that my mother can only seem to make a house, and all the animals and children are happily settled in. She has a massive yard here, which Chico runs around at full speed whenever he gets super excited, and has enough room for a great game of fetch with Diego.

I stayed up here for a few days longer to help mum get settled in and sort out all the boxes. It felt like we were constantly busy, and its crazy how many errands need to be done when shifting house. This meant that the dog walks were pushed out to the end of the day and we ended up going around the corner from mums house to a large field every day. Diego and Chico are both happy with this walk, especially when you take a ball for Diego, but we were really craving the beach! All the times we went I also didn't bring my camera which means I have been lacking in new photos of the dogs recently.

On Wednesday, Diego and I took a road trip back down to Wellington in time for the HUHA Charity day on Thursday. It was great to have my road trip buddy back again, although most of the way down the weather was less than desirable. We took a stop off at the Levin Dog Park where Diego found a stick for us to play fetch with (sense a theme with him yet?) and we had a bit of a break in the rain. I have been staying at my aunties house in Wellington while I find a place to live, and my aunty owns Diego's real brother, Jagger. We stayed with them for the two nights we were in Wellington and Diego got to play with his brother again. It was awesome to see them playing together again, and going crazy around the yard after over a year of being separated. They look so similar, but so different at the same time and it's cool to see them next to each other to compare these. Once again, camera was somewhere else so no photos were taken! I now wish I got some of them together for you to see the resemblance.

Thursday was the Wellington Collection Day for HUHA so Diego and I were up bright and early to get into town by 8am. We were stationed at New World Thorndon which is where we have been the last two years of collecting as well. The first shift went well, and was only an hour and a half, although Diego did start to get a bit tired of it after a little while. During the break we went for a dog walk up in Karori, where the sun started to shine for us. We weren't needed back at New World until 1pm so I made the most of it and read my book on a bench while Diego ran around the park. For the last shift you could tell Diego was super tired and just wanted to sleep, but we trucked through it to collect a lot of money for the well deserving HUHA.

Thursday night we went and viewed a potential home in Upper Hutt and Diego met their dog. Although that meeting didn't go as well as planned, the house was super cute and would be perfect for Diego and I. It just means I have to find somewhere for Diego to go during the day while I am at work as he isn't good with being left alone for long periods of time without another dog. This does mean though, that in the near future, Diego and I will be back together in Wellington. You have no idea how excited I am for this possibility. If anyone has any ideas on what to do with Diego while I am at work, definitely get in contact with me!

Before we left for Whanganui on Friday morning we met up with Mowgli, and my friend for an early morning dog walk. It was Diego's and Mowgli's first time meeting each other and it went quite well, although Mowgli has a bit too much puppy energy for Diego's liking. We spent an hour and a half walking through the park with the dogs chasing sticks and balls, and us humans discussing all things dogs and puppies. Mowgli has gotten so big now and made Diego look like a tiny dog! It's going to be awesome having some adventures with Mowgli and Diego over the coming Summer months!

Now Diego and I are back in Whanganui, and Diego is snoring on the couch with his favourite Diamond Plate Ball pressed up to him in case someone might want to have a game of fetch. I still have the Wellington Pet Expo to attend on Sunday and then it is back to the grind of work for another week. So much has happened, and so much will be happening over the next few weeks so make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with our adventures.

What have you been up to lately?

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