

German Shepherd Puppies!

I can't think of any better way of ending the weekend than a blog post filled with puppy photos! I was lucky enough to visit my friend who is fostering a litter of seven German Shepherd puppies. Not only are they adorable, they are some of our future Police dogs so I am excited to say I saw them when they were still little, and relatively harmless. I will be making a visit to them again this week to see how they have grown and get some more photos before they head off to start their futures. If you want to see more puppy cuteness make sure to write a comment below or on our Social Media channels so I know you all want to see it!


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Diego's Birthday Bark Bag

In June, Diego turned three and his gift this year was the awesome Bark Bag Birthday Edition! Yes, this post is long overdue but I was beyond busy with #300kmJune stuff, and then getting back into the swing of normal life in July. You would have seen Diego posed oh so nicely with his Bark Bag on our Social Media channels, but now I will give you more of a chance to see what we got and our final thoughts on the Birthday bag.

First off, let's just say that the packaging of this is amazing. It came in some boring external packaging where all the postage stamps and addresses could be placed, but inside is where it really came to life. The box was originally wrapped in gift wrap (which you will see opened in an upcoming video) and then inside that layer was the signature look of the Bark Bag. Such a sleek design of the white box, with a black ribbon and card. I am a sucker for good packaging, and find that it makes any product 10 times better, so this packaging really sucked me in. The contents of the box are then wrapped in a black tissue paper, with a Bark Bag sticker and all the wonderful treats are inside.

We got the birthday box which is $45 and that includes shipping within New Zealand. This is the same price as if you purchased a singular Bark Bag but comes with a few extra goodies. If you sign up to a monthly subscription you can get each Bark Bag for $39. To make the Birthday Box more festive it came with a party hat, happy birthday banner and a cup full of a range of different little treats.

Firstly, we got a plastic tyre toy attached to a rope made by MasterPet. When ordering the Bark Bag I did say that we needed more durable toys for Diego as he is known to destroy his toys and this was obviously an attempt at meeting that need. Unfortunately, this would last less than five minutes at the hands of Diego if we were playing together. It would last even less time if I let him have free reign on it so I have put this one aside to give away to someone with a less destructive dog.

For the treats we got some ZiwiPeak 'Good Boy Treats' which we have tried before when we got them a few years ago in a Bow Wow Box. Diego likes these little treats and I find them perfect for trick training at home. They are a decent size if you have a bigger dog, or are super easy to break into smaller pieces if need be. I also find that they don't leave much of a residue or smell on your hands after working with them which is always a bonus if you are using them outside of the home. 

We also got a pack of 'Waffles' from Superior Farms which we have also tried before from a Bow Wow Box. Diego does love these, and I also fed some to Chico while he was staying at our house and I haven't seen him that excited for a 'dry' treat ever. They are obviously not a good training treat, but also don't take long to eat so won't keep a dog entertained for long. I find it hard to use these types of treats because my two uses for treats are training or entertaining and I don't generally like to fill Diego up with too many products in one day. I will try and find a way to stuff these into a Kong hehe.

Next up we got a pack of Lamb Lung which is a Bark Bag branded product. These are just pieces of lamb lung which I know Diego loves. These are easy to stuff into his Kong, or other boredom breaker toys and they make these toys last a lot longer. I have been bringing a couple of these on walks as well as a high reward treat for when practicing recall and good manners. 

Another Bark Bag branded product are these Beef Paddywachs which is dried Beef Neck Tendon. These for some reason don't seem to spark Diego's interest. I gave him one as a quick boredom breaker while I was cleaning the house and he ignored it for a while before slowly chewing it. He didn't show much enthusiasm which is quite unlike him. However, Chico found one and was hurriedly chomping it down. He made light work of this treat, and looked for more once he was done. This is obviously a preference thing, but seems like a great treat if your dog does fancy it!

 Lastly for treats we received this bully stick which is one of Diego's firm favourites. This was a decent sized stick for Diego and it took him a fairly long time to get through it which I liked. In the party cup we got an assortment of little treats ranging from liver, to lung and some chicken jerky. This was perfect to put into Diego's training treat jar as all these were fairly small treats which we used to train the trick 'pray'.

As I love to do with subscription boxes, I done a very rough tally of the costs of each individual product to see if there is value in the box. This is a bit more difficult because of the Bark Bag branded items, but I took a rough shot at the prices of those based on similar products I have seen and found on the market. I am going to take a guess at the box's total being roughly worth $57 and that is not including the birthday banner, hat or cup full of treats. It also doesn't include postage or the amazing packaging that this comes in. I definitely think you are getting your moneys worth.

All in all, I absolutely love this product and the brand in general. The amazing owner of Bark Bag donated a box for our #300kmJune giveaways and we were meant to meet up in Auckland during June. I am disappointed that didn't happen but you can just see what a well thought out brand this one is. She has thought about everything, right down to the little details like writing Diego's name on a birthday card, and trying to personalise each box to the dog receiving it. I am very interested in getting some more boxes in the future and seeing how good they are at getting a range of different products and brands for us to try out.

Have you tried Bark Bag yet? How did your dog like it? Leave us a comment below

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Final Thoughts for #300kmJune

Hey! What a month that was! I had an amazing time but gosh am I glad that it is over. I never really worked out what walking ten kilometres a day would mean. To be honest, I didn't even work out what ten kilometres was! I just doubled last years kilometre target, and starting telling people/making it happen. That is my attitude to a lot of things in life, jump head first into things without truly thinking through what it means.

This past month was a whirlwind and I am so happy that I completed all 300 kilometres that I set out to do. Not only did I have a blast, got fitter, and learnt a lot of things, we managed to raise $280 for HUHA. I have to admit, my goal of $2,500 was obviously a large stretch, and I only managed to fundraise just over 10% of that goal. BUT I believe every cent counts, and I am so thankful to all the wonderful people that donated to this cause. I think in the scheme of things $280 is the minimum we have raised over this month as people will see the lengths I have gone to this month to raise awareness for HUHA and will think more about how they can volunteer. Also, it means I have something to beat next year when we go bigger and better.

I did film me drawing the winners for the giveaways but my internet really has taken a disliking to me recently and will not upload it. In the sake of a quick turn around I announced the winners on our Facebook Page but if you missed that.
Prize Pack #1: WonderWoof + Pack of Daisy's Doggy Deli Treats: Alyssa O'Brien
Prize Pack #2: Cotton Tails Store Poop Bag Buddy + Pack of Daisy's Doggy Deli Treats: Tessa Drew
Prize Pack #3: Bark Bag (kindly donated by Bark Bag  ): Kaitlyn Maye Manu
Prize Pack #4: Wolves of Wellington $20 gift voucher + Pack of Daisy's Doggy Deli Treats: April Stevenson
I want to thank everyone for supporting us during the past month. It meant a lot to me that so many of you were willing to comment on our posts with offers of support and companionship. I honestly don't think I would have completed the full 300 kilometres without all your backing. I did notice the ones that were always there, and from the bottom of my heart want to thank you for that.

Our first walk after June reminded me of why I like walking without counting my kilometres and why I believe we shouldn't aim for a certain distance each day. In June, I found myself forcing a walk that neither Diego nor I really needed or wanted, and it wasn't the fun activity that walking should be. I found that I was doing walks that allowed for more kilometres on my Fitbit, but didn't necessarily mean more walking or as enjoyable for Diego (Not off-leash/road walking). I also was walking fast to make sure I got as many kilometres under my belt before it got dark and therefore cold, which gave Diego less chance to check out the smells and enjoy himself. I am not saying that any of these things are completely horrible, as we both did enjoy ourselves, but the first walk of July was a nice, slow amble where we played fetch in the park and Diego got enough time to check out and smell everything the park had to offer.

I am generally a gym junkie and have gotten used to the dull aching of sore muscles after a hard workout, so I didn't find the walking to be too tiresome. I did have aching legs for the whole month though. The big thing that made this challenge hard was time. Each walk took at least two hours, usually more and that was on top of an already busy schedule of work, social life, house life, keeping up with DaisyPets and trying to find some down time. I am constantly asked by my older sister why I would chose June as my month to complete this as Winter is starting to kick up a notch during this month. My answer? To make it more interesting. Anyone can walk 300 kilometres when it is wonderfully sunny, warm weather. It's much harder to walk when its freezing outside and gets dark at 4pm.

I am super thankful that this June has been one of the driest and non-windiest (mind blank on what the word for that would be hehe) June's in many years. I could count on one hand how many walks I had to do in the rain, and even then, the rain wasn't the worst it could have been. Also, no wind!!! Which for Wellington is a blessing. I had planned to walk in the rain a lot more, so I was so happy that I didn't have to deal with that as much as I thought.

Fitbit did send me a watch to track my steps/kilometres for the month, and that was what I got my screen-grabs off to provide proof of our walking. I am amazed at how well this watch worked (apart from a few little hiccups) and super pleased that I got to trial it out. I will make a full post on the Fitbit as I do think it is an awesome asset to have as a dog owner.
We also go sent a WonderWoof for Diego to wear and track his activity. Unfortunately, during June their app went down for maintenance and didn't come back up any time during our walks. This meant I not only couldn't track what Diego was doing, I didn't get to fully trial this product. This was part of a giveaway so I hope that the app is back up and running by the time the winner tries to use it, and can report good feedback to us!
I also want to thank Wolves of Wellington for donating a bandana to the lead-up giveaway, Bark Bag for donating a Bark Bag to one of the giveaway winners, Cotton Tails Store for throwing some extra goodies into our package (including a bandana which will be in a later giveaway) and Pet Life NZ for putting our activities into their Winter Issue. It means a lot to have the support of such amazing New Zealand companies and I look forward to working with them again in the future.
Last thanks to my amazing mother, Petra who listened to me whine for many hours, but was always there supporting Diego and I; Jenn, my best friend for supporting and sharing my stuff even while completing gruelling training camp; and my other best friend Demi for supporting me but also going on some crazy walks with me and not complaining once.

After all is said and done, I am so proud of what I have achieved and had the best time challenging Diego and I. I hope to make it a bigger event next year, with other people joining in and making their own totals. I hope you can join us for that <3

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#300kmJune Week 5 Recap

Hey! This is the last weekly recap of #300kmJune and gosh it was a hard one. We had four days to go, and on Thursday I came down with the worst sickness I have had in years. That did not stop us though and I can proudly say we made it through 300 kilometre June in one piece! Here's how:

Tuesday, 27th June
I didn't want the end of #300kmJune to just be us walking back and forth to Upper Hutt as I knew that was the right distance to cross the line. So instead I decided to walk up Cannons Point with Diego, have some photoshoots along the way and actually have fun for at least one of the last walks. It was a beautiful walk, and Diego ran about the whole time. 

Wednesday, 28th June
My lovely friend decided to come with us on this adventure and we headed off down the riverbank to Upper Hutt again so that I could get the days kilometres in as well as catch up from the Tuesday. We got so busy chatting that we missed the easy way to cross the motorway so had to keep walking all the way down to the Moonshine bridge where we crossed. This meant we were allowed to get an Unholy Donut from Hells Pizza though, which is my current obsession and you must try it. We got a good amount of kilometres in and I felt confident for the final few days.

Thursday, 29th June
Too much confidence is a bad thing, so when I awoke on Thursday to being bed bound by the flu I realised that this was going to be a harder feat than I envisaged. I was so poorly in the morning that I couldn't look at a device without a rippling headache and couldn't leave bed as all my limbs were in a searing pain. I loaded up on some painkillers and by mid afternoon I could manage a zombie stroll around the Totora Park bridge and duck pond. This was done at an extremely slow pace, and if anyone saw me that day they would have guessed that I was already dead. Straight to bed I went after that walk, dreading the next day.

Friday, 30th June
After so much struggle during the month, and such amazing support from you all, I couldn't let anyone down so I knew that I would have to walk the last 17.17km this day, even if it killed me. After my doctors appointment in the morning, I headed to the river bank close to Silverstream and Diego and I set off. It was once again very slow, and very painful but we managed to get in about 9 kilometres before I had to go home for a snooze. After that little nap I decided to go around the Totora Park bridge and duck pond again and hope that pushed us over the line. At this stage, I did cheat a little bit. I put the FitBit on Diego. I am not proud of this moment, but it had to be done because I couldn't see myself able to walk much further. We walked around the park, played fetch, had a rest stop by the river and continued. To be fair, after looking at my phones tracking system Diego only completed about 2.5 kilometres more than me so it wasn't cheating to the highest degree. We got home from this walk and still had one and a half kilometres to go, so we fled into the night one last time to do a quick loop around my block and to finish the month strong.

 So the final tally. At the End of Week 4 we were sitting at 249.97 kilometres, meaning we had to just do over 50 kilometres in four days to complete the challenge. In the last four days we hit 50.31 meaning we got 300.31 kilometres in the month of June!!!
Thank you all for your support during this month, I will have one last post in regards to #300kmJune and that will include all my thoughts, my learnings as well as the winners for our giveaways and the total amount of money we raised for HUHA. That will be out a bit later in the week.
There is still a few days to donate so please head over there now and support this amazing cause. 

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