

#300kmJune Week 5 Recap

Hey! This is the last weekly recap of #300kmJune and gosh it was a hard one. We had four days to go, and on Thursday I came down with the worst sickness I have had in years. That did not stop us though and I can proudly say we made it through 300 kilometre June in one piece! Here's how:

Tuesday, 27th June
I didn't want the end of #300kmJune to just be us walking back and forth to Upper Hutt as I knew that was the right distance to cross the line. So instead I decided to walk up Cannons Point with Diego, have some photoshoots along the way and actually have fun for at least one of the last walks. It was a beautiful walk, and Diego ran about the whole time. 

Wednesday, 28th June
My lovely friend decided to come with us on this adventure and we headed off down the riverbank to Upper Hutt again so that I could get the days kilometres in as well as catch up from the Tuesday. We got so busy chatting that we missed the easy way to cross the motorway so had to keep walking all the way down to the Moonshine bridge where we crossed. This meant we were allowed to get an Unholy Donut from Hells Pizza though, which is my current obsession and you must try it. We got a good amount of kilometres in and I felt confident for the final few days.

Thursday, 29th June
Too much confidence is a bad thing, so when I awoke on Thursday to being bed bound by the flu I realised that this was going to be a harder feat than I envisaged. I was so poorly in the morning that I couldn't look at a device without a rippling headache and couldn't leave bed as all my limbs were in a searing pain. I loaded up on some painkillers and by mid afternoon I could manage a zombie stroll around the Totora Park bridge and duck pond. This was done at an extremely slow pace, and if anyone saw me that day they would have guessed that I was already dead. Straight to bed I went after that walk, dreading the next day.

Friday, 30th June
After so much struggle during the month, and such amazing support from you all, I couldn't let anyone down so I knew that I would have to walk the last 17.17km this day, even if it killed me. After my doctors appointment in the morning, I headed to the river bank close to Silverstream and Diego and I set off. It was once again very slow, and very painful but we managed to get in about 9 kilometres before I had to go home for a snooze. After that little nap I decided to go around the Totora Park bridge and duck pond again and hope that pushed us over the line. At this stage, I did cheat a little bit. I put the FitBit on Diego. I am not proud of this moment, but it had to be done because I couldn't see myself able to walk much further. We walked around the park, played fetch, had a rest stop by the river and continued. To be fair, after looking at my phones tracking system Diego only completed about 2.5 kilometres more than me so it wasn't cheating to the highest degree. We got home from this walk and still had one and a half kilometres to go, so we fled into the night one last time to do a quick loop around my block and to finish the month strong.

 So the final tally. At the End of Week 4 we were sitting at 249.97 kilometres, meaning we had to just do over 50 kilometres in four days to complete the challenge. In the last four days we hit 50.31 meaning we got 300.31 kilometres in the month of June!!!
Thank you all for your support during this month, I will have one last post in regards to #300kmJune and that will include all my thoughts, my learnings as well as the winners for our giveaways and the total amount of money we raised for HUHA. That will be out a bit later in the week.
There is still a few days to donate so please head over there now and support this amazing cause. 

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