

#300kmJune Week 4 Recap

Hey guys! Another week down and a lot of pavement has been stomped. A big thing I have noticed while doing this challenge, is that because I am trying to squeeze in as many possible kilometres within daylight hours I end up doing the same walks repeatedly. The ones that I know are long enough to cover my daily goal, or are flat and long enough that I can get a decent pace on. Diego doesn't seem to be as bothered by this as I am, the one we keep repeating he is allowed offleash for most of it. I personally am getting a bit bored of the same walks though, I want to explore more and take amazing photos.

Tuesday, 20th June
This day I was feeling inspired, I grabbed the camera and was going to walk super far and take some photos along the way. I didn't put the SD card in the camera. So instead, I just lugged around my heavy Cannon camera. In the end, we walked along the riverbank to Upper Hutt, where my friend picked up the camera from me and I grabbed some dinner. Once I had eaten, I was not tired, the weather was good, and we had no heavy camera I decided we may as well explore a bit more. I went down random streets of Upper Hutt and just weaved around to get up the kilometres. Then we headed back to the riverbank for a night time stroll home.

Wednesday, 21st June
I had planned to walk from my house in Birchville up to Tunnel Gully, explore a bit and return home however Diego was acting super weird. The next day/night explains why but at the time I had no clue. He wasn't begging for treats out of my treat pouch like usual, and was scared of everything! He even balked so much at a boulder that he slipped his collar and ran across the road. Very un-Diego like. I didn't want to put any more stress on him as he obviously wasn't coping so we turned around once we got to Te Marua and just headed home. Every time he got scared of something new I made sure just to slowly let him go up and sniff it, realise it wasn't a threat and move on.

Thursday, 22nd June
Diego spent the whole night vomiting all over my house, so I stayed home from work to make sure he was okay and be ready to take him to the vets if need be. I needn't have done that as he woke up chipper as ever and was back to normal, if not more crazy than usual. I found out he had eaten some of my nut and berry mix which is what set him off. The poor pooch. So on this day, to make the most of having a day off, and Diego being chipper we took a walk up Cannons Point. It was a beautiful walk, which was completely empty apart from us. I did take some videos on my Instagram Story but forgot to save them!

Friday, 23rd June
What a disaster of a day. I had another terrible night sleep, and woke up feeling very under the weather. I decided it would be best to take another day off work as I was unsure whether I might be contagious or not. I rugged up super warm, and headed up to the Rimutaka Rail Trail for a nice, long walk. It was not nice. It was torrential rain for 90% of the time, the other 10% was spitting. We made it to the half way mark where it was approx. just over 7 and a half kilometres in, turned around to walk back and then the next time I looked at my Fitbit it had died! This meant it didn't save our progress. I was distraught but thankfully I found this cool website to somewhat show you the map of our walk and give you a fair idea of the trip we took.

Saturday, 24th June
This was a fun day! My friend, Diego and I packed up the car and headed over to Wairarapa to the Putangirua Pinnacles. I had never been there before, or anywhere in that area so it was cool to get out there for the day. Unfortunately, in true Morgan style, I decided to go on a terrible day so we did get rained on a fair bit. This was a stand out favourite walk of the week, and in the top three of the month. The Pinnacles are such a strange natural occurrence and it was so wicked to explore all the weird grooves and tunnels that they have made. I can't wait to go back on a sunny day and get some awesome photos! We then headed to a cafe in Featherston called Everest, and warmed up with an amazing brunch and coffee. I measured this day a bit differently as there was lots of little walking trips Diego and I made during the day, as well as this main outing so I just used the overall total of the day. I removed the Fitbit every time I wasn't walking Diego somewhere.

Sunday, 25th June
This day I had to squeeze in a quick walk in the morning before the rain was going to set in for the day around midday. Just as we were starting out on our trek, dad rung me to ask to change our arranged lunch to a brunch so Diego and I decided to walk to Upper Hutt for that. We had a lovely meal at Mayfair Cafe before continuing home. Thankfully we didn't get rained on, and it meant we had the walk out of the way by midday!

Monday, 26th June
Today we walked along the river bank further than we would usually go, and enjoyed some of the afternoon sunlight before a dark walk back up the main road of Upper Hutt. As I said in the first paragraph, this is an easy walk as I know it is flat and I can get up a good speed. It also is a variable length, from 10kms all the way up as it can keep going for hours. I did put this walk, and a lot of other snippets of our day to day lives on Instagram Story so make sure you follow us to stay up to date!

This week was actually super productive in my opinion! We had a lot of days where we hit or were close to the target of around 12 kilometres, and only one where we were below 10! So now for the tally. We finished off the end of last week at 164.90 kilometres and this week we got a total of 85.07 which is our best week in this month! That puts us at a total of 249.97 kilometres with four days left of walking. That is still sitting at just over 12 kilometres a day to meet target by the end of the month. Super achievable, although still a task as 12 kilometres a day will take at least three hours. 

Remember, all this hard work that both Diego and I are putting in is all for HUHA. This is kind of like a fun run, where wonderful people like yourself donate for the struggle that we are putting ourselves through. All donations are going straight to HUHA, so please donate now to our Givealittle Page.
Also, to say thanks for supporting us and HUHA I am also hosting some giveaways to be drawn at the end of the month. 
Every Donation to the GiveaLittle page will get you five entries.
Every comment/share on our Facebook page will get you an entry.
Every comment on Instagram will get you an entry.
Unlimited entries and some amazing prizes up for grabs :D

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