

Kong Easy Treat Review

We are now officially in Spring, and finally the days seem to be getting longer with the weather being slightly better. That is when Diego and I can finally come out of the Winter slumber we have been in and enjoy the outdoors once again. I will be starting to have dinners outside again and because Diego is a beggar, he will be having his Kong at the same time. Today's review is on the Kong Easy Treat which we got from Animates, and this product has made preparing a Kong that much quicker!

The Kong Easy Treat Paste is a can with 'whipped' flavouring inside, think of whipped cream you can purchase in a can, it's along the same lines! We have it in the Liver flavour, but you can also purchase Peanut Butter or Puppy (I hope this is made for puppies, and not made using puppies) flavours. The nozzle is long and thin to be easily inserted into a Kong to fill it with the flavouring. The Easy Treat doesn't need to be refrigerated so can be easily stored alongside your dogs other toys for easy stuff'n.

The Kong Easy Treat is so simple to use, as I said above all you need to do is place the nozzle inside of the Kong and then push the nozzle a bit to the side. The can gives you instructions as well just in case you are like me and took forever to work it out! Now, the Kong says to only fill it with a SMALL AMOUNT, and has made sure you know it by making it in capitals and bold. However, this I find is virtually impossible unless you are very careful. You can't hear it or really feel it come out so you can't judge how much you are putting in. I have been using it with Diego's Extreme Kong which is black so isn't easy to see inside. I also usually have already filled it with kibble or other treats and am filling in spots with this paste.

I generally fill Diego's Kongs with peanut butter to coat the inside and make the dry kibble or treats stick easily. That solves the problem but does require a bit of work to work the peanut butter around the inside, and I also have to have a separate Diego container of PB in case I need to double dip. Diego likes this, but gosh, he goes absolutely crazy for the Kong Paste. It's an extreme craziness, and he can barely wait til the 'Okay' command to dig in. He will not leave a Kong with the Paste in it, even if it takes him hours to completely clean it out. I love this as it makes it easy for cleaning for me unlike peanut butter where there are bits remaining.

Ingredients wise, this treat is not the best. The first ingredient is Milk, followed by Water, Soybean Oil, Whey, Sodium Phosphate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Salt, Carrageenan, Sodium Citrate, Milk Protein Concentrate, Dried Chicken Liver (This is so far down in the list!), Natural Flavour, Glucono-delta-lactone, Sorbic Acid, Lactic Acid, Caramel Colour, Paprika and Annatto Extracts, Dried Lactobacillus Lactis Fermentation Product, Rennet.
If you were like me, not a lot of this makes sense apart from the chicken product being quite far down in the list. I decided to look into a few of the ingredients that I was not sure about and get a more in depth knowledge as to what this all means. Basically, the ingredients have been used to make this product not need to be refrigerated. A lot of the strange ingredients are in the dairy and cheese making industry and I think because of the amount of milk in this product they are needed so it does not spoil. I have linked some of the pages I looked at for certain ingredients above! I couldn't find anything devastatingly wrong with any of these ingredients, although they are obviously not the best. I think in moderation and as a once in a while treat this paste is not nutritionally too terrible. I just wouldn't want to feed this every day, or over an extended period of time. Think of this as your dogs 'treat day', we can't always be 100% perfect. It is also definitely personal preference as well.

The can says that this treat lasts 45 servings, I think that is an extreme exaggeration. As I said above, it is quite hard to put a tiny amount in your Kong, however even if you did I don't see this lasting that long. I believe I would have used it 10 - 15 times and it is already running out. I do admit that the first Kongs I did use quite a bit of product, but since then I tried to contain myself a bit more.

Final verdict, I don't think I will purchase this again. The Kong Easy Paste itself costs $26 and although Diego loves it, and it makes Kong creating a breeze, I can't justify that price. Due to the fact that the ingredient list is super long with strange ingredients and the product doesn't go a long way I believe my $26 could be better spent elsewhere. I do enjoy the product, and think that if you are an avid Kong user you have to try it at least once but don't think it is a product you should all be rushing out to get. If it lasted the 45 servings, I would probably be more inclined to buy again.
Have you tried this product, what were your thoughts? Tell me below!

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