

February Catch Up

How is it already nearly midway through February? I feel like it just became 2018, and already we are flying through the days. I thought I better bring you all up to date on what has been happening for the past month, and what is coming up in the next month.

We have some amazing new products to trial!

  • The amazing Daisy's Doggy Deli sent us some Bully Sticks and Kawasoothe balm to trial on Diego. These are some of their newest products, and although we are still starting to trial them, so far both Diego and I are fans. The Bully Sticks are a great alternative to the nasty rawhide, and keep Diego entertained for slightly longer than a split second. The pack comes with a heap of them which will last you days, and like all Daisy's Doggy Deli products, they contain no nasties. The Kawasoothe balm is perfect for putting on cuts, scrapes and irritations on your dogs skin. I have used it on Diego for some injuries he got from his dog fight and although Diego did lick a bit of it off, you could see it working overnight. The smell also doesn't repulse me, which is a surprise because most balms and shampoos for dogs do not smell good to me. 
  • I purchased some Honey Wraps and if you haven't heard of these, you need to read this! They are an alternative to plastic glad wrap, so you can wrap any food products in it for transporting, or storing and they don't damage the environment. They are fabric covered in beeswax, which you can wrap around any food and in the fridge it will harden and form around the item. Such an innovative idea, and keeps food so much fresher. I am always looking for ways to make my life less environmentally damaging and this is definitely a great choice! 

  • Finally, Pretty Clean NZ has sent us (but not yet received) some of their shampoos and spritzes to trial on Diego. I am super excited for these as Diego needs a good bath and as I said above, I am picky with my scents. They were kind enough to send us a range of their products, and even some extras for Chico/Ollie. 
I have been bedridden with a terrible virus since Thursday 1st of February which has really put me out of action with any blog posts, Instagram and Youtube. I do apologise for that, but it came out of the blue and I was unable to concentrate or stay awake long enough to do much at all. Thankfully a doctors visit has put me back into action and I am well over that virus now.

However, the doctor visit brought up another problem. I have had some pains in my right thumb for a few months now, but I thought it was due to my new, larger phone and I was straining my little hand trying to type and scroll. Due to that, I didn't really tell anyone or care that it had a numb pain. Slowly it seemed to get worse though so while I was there I thought I should ask about it. My doctor thinks I have either torn or ruptured my tendon in my thumb and I am booked in for an ultrasound on it tomorrow. Fingers crossed it's not too bad and won't need surgery!!

While all this was going on, my sister also came home from London to visit us and was staying with Diego and I in my little abode. This was super exciting to see her, and we hung out when I wasn't sleeping my virus off. We also got impulsive, matching tattoos! She has now headed up to my mothers in Whanganui and I will be meeting up with them this weekend.

To top off the crazy past week, my GoPro broke. My GoPro that I purchased at the end of December. I was completely gutted and spent three hours trying to fix it. Thankfully I Googled the error, which it wasn't turning on, and wouldn't charge and it's a known GoPro error. Off to the shop I went and they have confirmed with GoPro that they can just give me a completely new, unopened GoPro from their shop. So tomorrow I get a new GoPro for a second time! Secretly I am quite happy about it, because I noticed I had already got tiny chips on the old one.

I think that catches you up on my past week and a half. I haven't yet finished my 'Copying ______'s Instagram Photos' video yet, due to the illness but have a couple ready and am loving them. I should hopefully have that video completed within the month. I have a bloopers video coming this weekend, and another vlog for the following weekend.

I am heading to Fiji for a week with one of my best friends on the 4th of March. I am taking my GoPro there so if you want to see un-dog related video content from my crazy trip, please let me know. We are staying at the Hilton for a few days, then heading to a tiny little Island to hike, paddle board and swim with sharks. I am super excited, and have an amazing set of togs with Diego's face on them thanks to my other best friend.

Speaking of other best friend, she is about to pop out another daughter which is beyond exciting so if I do miss a post or two later in February, this will be why. I will try not to do as much of a blackout as I did this past week though!

Diego is currently learning to walk between my legs with his feet on mine, to rest his head on the ground while laying down, and to go around an object that I point to. These three tricks are keeping us busy for the next few weeks and I really want to master them all before moving onto our next tricks. If you have any cool ideas for future tricks, let me know.

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