

Interview with Oh My Fluffy Dog

Ever since Oh My Fluffy Dog busted on the scene at the end of 2017, they have taken over the New Zealand Dog Instagram scene. I have fallen head over heels in love with everything about them, their designs, their patterns and the OMFD family. Pretty much every weekend you will see me wearing at least one of their designs as they are the perfect gear to adventure in. Conveniently for us Instagrammers, they are also super cute and really make a scenic shot 100% better.

Lu is the brains behind Oh My Fluffy Dog and also the craziest, self-proclaimed dog mum I have ever met. Since starting Oh My Fluffy Dog we have been in regular contact, discussing everything from her addiction to adding more animals to her family, my love life, and how to make the best Instagram feed possible. I would happily say that she has become a good friend of mine, and one of the many reasons I love being able to connect with people on the 'gram. We discussed me coming to the Christchurch Pet Expo to help with her stall, and made it happen. So to coincide with my adventure down South, and actually my first time in Christchurch, I wanted to interview Lu to see what hidden secrets of business she could tell us. I also purchased a little something from Oh My Fluffy Dog to give to one of you, so make sure you read until the end to find out how to enter.

Tell us about your pets!
Oh gosh, where do I start! When I met my husband, Tim, two years ago, I only had one pet. The OG Theo. He’s a seven year old Pomeranian and has been my staple all my life since university. He’s now a grumpy old man, who loves cuddles, and hates fast moving animals around him. He rules the roost around here.

Next we introduced Niko, our 13 month old white GSD. He’s the peace keeper in the home. It doesn’t matter who is in trouble, he will slide his way between the two parties and try his best to calm the tensions.

After Niko it was a very quick spiral into the world of crazy dog & cat lady, we brought Coco our 5 year old ex-breeding cat. She’s solely an inside cat who’s weirdly affectionate to all people and dogs alike (which is what got her in trouble with the neighbours dogs and ended her up at the vets).

From Coco, Milo joined our family in quick succession again. (It was at this time we had just brought our home and what better way to celebrate than more fluffy animals right?) He’s a GSD x Malamute who wishes he could eat everything in sight. A super love bug who doesn’t understand his size and most of the time, this gets him into weird and troublesome positions.

Last but not least, Cleo, our other re-homed ex-breeding cat who we THOUGHT would have the same attitude as Coco straight from the box. But was entirely the other end of the pole, and took her two months in a crate to warm up to everyone. Now, she can comfortably hang out on the sofa (until one of the dog’s get their noses too far into her space).

Why did you decide to start Oh My Fluffy Dog?
I love my pets. From Theo and Niko, I simply ADORED all my babies and got sucked into the world of Instagram. My next step in crazy dog lady was wanting to wear clothes that declared this love to the world. I loved brands like PAWS but couldn’t find anything similar in NZ or from overseas that wouldn’t charge me an arm and a leg for shipping. So I thought - why not? What’s the worst that could happen? I have a never ending source of tops and I won’t have to do laundry for a year? Haha! That was the birth of OMFD. From a place of being stingy, lazy and wanting everyone I meet to know that I am crazy about my dogs.

What has been the hardest part of starting a small clothing company?
Getting my brand out there. Building the culture and the brand image definitely has been the most challenging, but also the most fun in terms of learning the Instagram and Facebook game.

What has been the most rewarding moment for you so far?
This might sound cheesy, but whenever anyone tags OMFD in a photo they have taken, especially giant group photos of doggy meet ups and play dates anywhere in the world, I get super excited. That commitment to the brand from people that follow us gives me the most humbling and warm fuzzy feelings. It shows that all the work I do behind the scenes to build the brand image, and the culture is paying off and people are really reciprocating the joy I feel for our clothing pieces.

If you could give people one tip on starting a small business, what would it be?
Be original. Find your own sense of brand and stick with it. Don’t be discouraged by other competitors in your niche. This one was a hard one for me to get my head around and accept, but thanks to some loving and supportive friends that I have, I can see that now and have confidence in OMFD and myself to keep being the best we can.

Have you always wanted to work in the pet field?
I’ve always loved pets, and loved spending time with mine but I never thought I could create a business or any kind of income from my love of the dogs. I was an intermediate teacher 2 years ago, and thought I would always end up doing something in terms of education. I love that I’ve been able to start OMFD on the side, and hopefully I want to grow it so it becomes my main source of income. I love that OMFD means I get to work in the pet field, meet all these awesome pups, and their owners, but never have to actually have any real responsibility of other peoples’ pets. Hahahaha.

How have you found feedback on your clothing pieces?
Most people love them. Once they actually understand the puns, they REALLY love them and get into our brand! Although I have found that sometimes puns are just one of those things where you either love it, or hate it, kind of like pineapples on pizza (I LOVE pineapples on pizza). Everyone loves to have their ideas and opinions heard, and I’ve learnt that I can’t please everybody with every design, but I hope that I’ll get there eventually with each new style we bring out.

What are your thoughts on the current market of people buying cheap pieces from chain stores instead of supporting more expensive, local brands?
I have no strong opinions here. I’m personally guilty of buying cheap pieces of clothes from chain stores too but am trying to cut back on it. I think it’s an age thing where when you are young, the ‘style’ is changing all the time and in order to keep up with current fashion, it’s always about the quantity in your wardrobe rather than the quality. Now, the older I get, the more I understand that it’s nicer to have those staple reliable few items in your wardrobe. I’m also really loving small businesses at the moment so have ended up spending all my time browsing Instagram shops, as well as Etsy for goodies!

Would you change anything about how you have run your business, or your products if you were to start again?
If I could go back to when it all started, I think I would love to apply everything I have learnt along the way about sizing quantities, which styles are better sellers and which are not, right from the get go. In terms of the way I run my business, without sounding too arrogant, I don’t think there is anything I would change. Maybe the location where we operate from? I feel that living in Cromwell has its limitations in terms of the events we are able to attend, and the play dates we could join in with. Those are about the only times I’m sad we are not living back in Auckland. Otherwise, I love what I can do with OMFD and I love what OMFD allows me to do all from home! :)

Where do you see yourself and OMFD in the next five years?
I haven’t had a chance to consider this because all I’ve got are short term goals for OMFD. I know that within the next year, I would like to move away from my full time job and focus on OMFD entirely. Beyond that, extending our OMFD family into Australia would be my only really set in stone five year goal. I would love to be able to see us neighbours bond through our love of OMFD and dogs in general. I guess it also depends on where we are at in regards to our family (more fur kids or real kids) and what other life goals we might have pop up outside of OMFD.

Now is your chance to ask either Lu, Tim or I (Morgan) a question that you have always wanted answered. Every question you ask us will go in the draw to win OMFD's limited edition 'Sit' shirt that you can see Lu wearing below! The more questions you ask, the more entries you get, they are unlimited! If someone has already asked that question, yours will not count for an entry, so make sure you are either first, or have quirky questions. You can send in these questions via Facebook, Instagram, or comments below. We will then be answering some of the questions live on Instagram on Saturday 28th of April at the Christchurch Pet Expo, and the remaining questions will go into my Christchurch Pet Expo vlog which will be live on Sunday 6th of May. The winner will be drawn then, and will need to get back to me as soon as possible so we can arrange the correct size of shirt

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Daisy's Doggy Deli - Mega Dog Chews

If you have read my blog before, you probably would know that I absolutely adore Daisy's Doggy Deli. They are a New Zealand based company, Auckland to be exact, that specialises in healthy dog products. They originally started by making dog treats that were all natural, free from preservatives and good for your pooches, and have now expanded into dog walks, pet sitting and a range of shampoos and ointments. I love watching this business grow and seeing what she will come up with next. That's why I was super excited when I saw she launched Mega Dog Chews which are three bully sticks braided together to make one monster chew.

Bully sticks are the natural alternative to rawhide chews. Rawhide is a byproduct of the leather industry, and is actually terribly unhealthy for your dog. Not only is it a byproduct of a company that deals with lots of chemicals, they add more to the rawhide to colour and preserve it. I know personally the first reason I stopped using rawhide was the way it acted when chewed by dogs. It would turn into a thick glue like product, that wouldn't tear or break and ended up as one soggy piece of chewed rawhide. This meant Diego would either leave it laying around, or try and swallow that whole. I was not about that life. I can happily confirm that bully sticks do not do this, and the bully sticks and mega dog chews from Daisy's definitely contain no chemicals!

So if you weren't already aware, Bully Sticks are made from Pizzle which is a nice way of saying a bulls penis. The thought of Suzanne slaving away at her house, twisting penises into a braid makes me laugh, and thankful that I can buy the finished product off her! Each Mega Dog Chew is handmade/handbraided so each one will come out slightly different but she says they will all be roughly be between 60g - 80g. If the chew doesn't reach that weight, she will include two which I think is an awesome idea and a good way to let smaller dogs try out the chew. 

Suzanne also came up with a genius way of marketing the chews by coming up with the Mega Bully Challenge! This is a challenge where people time the time it takes their dog to get through their dog chew, and it is recorded on a scoreboard. I think this is a fantastic way to get more people involved in the chews, and spreads awareness for the better alternative to rawhide. I got Diego and Chico to take the challenge and you can see the results in the below video. I would love to hear what time your pooch got as well! If you do the challenge, #megabullychallenge on social media to get seen :D 

My opinion on these is that not only are they an awesome, safe alternative to rawhide, they are also a great way to keep your dog entertained for a decent amount of time. If you have a dog that likes to chew, or is high energy, you know that 10 minutes of peace for you, and enjoyment for them is a godsend. Apart from bones, nothing keeps Diego entertained for too long because he has managed to learn the tricks on how to destroy toys, kongs and treats quickly. 

Both Chico and Diego really seemed to enjoy their chew, as you can clearly see in our YouTube video. I was actually surprised that Chico got as involved as he did, as usually he isn't much of a chewer. I think that must mean they have earned high stars from Chico. Even a bone won't tempt him enough to stay still and chew on it. 

Neither dog had terrible breath after this treat, or bad smelling feet. That may sound weird, but I have found a lot of chews leave Diego with stinky paws from where he has held it during chewing. I also appreciated how they can be stored in the fridge for months, so you can stock up on multiple and just give them out when you feel like treating your dog. 

I told Suzanne (if I didn't mention before, she is the mastermind behind Daisy's Doggy Deli and I have interviewed her if you want to find out more) that I planned on doing the challenge, and would be buying a chew to giveaway. She was nice enough to not only encourage our video but to also send us a free one to give away. I want to mention that this hasn't swayed my opinion of the product, if it turned out to be terrible, I would be sending it back to her! However, because they have turned out to be an amazing product, I have decided that the giveaway must go ahead. Below is how you enter the giveaway, and there are multiple ways to enter but you must visit (and like if you want) our Facebook page to open up the other entries. One of them is to read this blog post, so if you have come this far, you may as well enter. 

Mega Bully Stick Giveaway
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7 Dog Instagram Accounts I Love

Today, on Instagram, I went on a bit of a tirade. I will admit now that it was probably a bit silly, but the truth in what I said still counts. It is easy to see when someone has fake followers, whether purchased or given from an app, and I think we should all keep an eye out for this kind of behaviour. You could easily say it's not my problem if I don't personally do it, and you could be right, however I think people need to know some of the ways to easily find out whether people have fake followers.
But moving swiftly along. I thought that I needed to combat some of that negativity I spread by sharing some positives. On Instagram, I asked for people to send me and emoji and something good would happen. Now is where the good happens.

So upon writing this I now understand why Wilsy is so fluffy, he is crossed with a Samoyed! Wilsy is the most gorgeous pooch, a shepherd crossed samoyed, and a lot of the time in photos I get him confused with Ollie! His account is run by his wonderful mother, who is on maternity leave and decided to become a crazy dog mum while she is at it. I love their pictures of them adventuring through different locations around Auckland including town, beach and parks. I especially love the amount of wicked graffiti walls they manage to find!

I think you all know how I feel about this account. I absolutely love everything about this company, their dogs, Lu and Tim, the clothes, the hats, the morals behind it (including donating a huge chunk to a range of charities), the ideal of adventures. Everything. I love how they embrace all their followers and purchasers, and how they are happy to share everyone's pictures. They are constantly coming out with new designs, and stuff that I couldn't even dream of being able to create. This is the best up and coming clothing company in New Zealand in my opinion.

Gosh, Cino is a beautiful red border collie cross that competes in agility in New Zealand. Their account is beautiful shots of Cino in a range of different settings, including pictures of him flying over jumps in the agility ring. A beautiful account, showcasing how good it is to own and train with a dog in New Zealand.

This account is probably the most diverse one I follow, in the fact it is an account for a pooch and his bearded dragon friend. I love this account that features both Floki the dog, and Gucci the dragon evenly. The colour scheme is bright and appealing, the photography is quite brilliant. The photos of Gucci always make me giggle, and I am often showing friends at work their quirky photos. This account is definitely one to follow if you want a bit of humour mixed in with your usual feed.

I love this account! Both Murph and Maverick are beautiful golden retrievers brothers from Christchurch. Their account follows their daily adventures, from house to the park. Their mother is super supportive, and has been for a while now, always liking and commenting on our stuff. Her photography has improved ten fold since she has begun the account, and I love seeing Maverick grow up while the photography improves. These two are super cute and I see them only growing ever more popular.

I guess as the name implies, Meela really is a wildcard. She is an absolutely outstanding looking puppy, with what I consider to be a muted rottweiler colouring and steel blue eyes. Her account so far has been watching her grow, and it's amazing to see how she evolves as she gets older. Meela and her parents seem to always be on a new adventure, and are frequently updating their gram with amazing shots of forest and park. They are a brand rep for OMFD, and you can just tell they love their products, and put great effort into the shots they get.

This account is gorgeous. These two huskies are so cute, and Aayla especially is what I consider to be interesting looking. She is more dark than white, and has white patches around her muzzle and eyes giving the appearance of being older than she is. She is actually not even one yet! Their mum is super supportive, funny and you can tell she would be an absolute blast to hang out with. She also has a terrible spending problem on dog products, like myself. I love this account for showing how home life with two dogs is and how can you go wrong with looking at two gorgeous huskies!

Let me know some of your favourite Instagram accounts, I would love to check them out!
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Boneface Brewery

Winter is the time when you kind of just get stuck at home, freezing in your bed with your dog cuddled up against you. You can't usually go to any cool new spots as they only allow dogs outside and it's either way too cold, or a storm outside. Well, I guess you could go to cool spots, but you would have to know that your poor dog is waiting at home for you to return.

That has all changed for Upper Hutt with Boneface Brewery. This hotspot is an industrial style restaurant where they brew their own craft beer and cook delicious meals onsite. The best part, they allow your dogs to come inside! This place has changed the scene of eating out in Upper Hutt.

I would describe this place as outdoors, indoors. They have re-purposed an old Dunlop Tyre Factory into an open style eatery, where you can see giant vats of beer brewing, as well as a direct view of the chefs making your meal. Most of the factory has retained it's former glory, including a polished concrete floor, open ceilings and old style windows. The seating is a mix of pallet benches and tables, with low seating couches.

The food is amazing, and probably some of the best food I have ever eaten within Upper Hutt. They offer a range of meals from burgers and pizzas, to quirky desserts like deep fried cookie dough. The beer is also a delightful treat, but I can't pretend to be that much of a connoisseur of beer. I have had the pizza, and found it to be one of the best pizzas I have ever had. A great mix of flavours, and they do not skimp on the cheese.

The dogs are allowed inside, with them being allowed to sprawl out around your table. The staff are accepting of dogs inside, but are not overly friendly towards them. This isn't a terrible thing, but if you are wanting someone to tell you how cute your dogs are, this might not be the place. They are accommodating of the pooches though and bring out water bowls for your dogs to enjoy while you drink. One night I went there was about 7 dogs spread across different tables, whereas tonight when we went there was only our three and another two chihuahuas turning up when we went to leave.

I would highly recommend this place as somewhere to visit, and would even go as far as to say that if you live in Wellington you should travel out to the Hutt to experience it. Further afield is welcome to travel too. I know that this is somewhere that I will be frequenting a lot, especially over Winter when I don't want to brave anywhere else that doesn't allow Diego.

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March Favourites

I haven't done a favourites in what feels like forever, and frankly it's because we don't try enough different things every month to warrant a favourites post. However, I have decided to make it more broad including walks, events and places so I can share some of the things Diego and I have been up to that don't necessarily need their own post. 

I think I am late on this bandwagon, everyone has been enjoying them while I looked on from the outside thinking that were over-priced and Diego would destroy. Recently, I found them for $10 at the Mitre 10 in Whanganui, and not letting a deal pass me buy I snapped up a two pack. 
Best. Decision. Of. My. Life.
Diego is head over heels in love with these balls, they capture and keep his attention and so far I haven't got a destroyed toy strewn across my house. I did let Diego have free reign of them for a couple of days, but after constantly having the ball pushed into my leg and brought to bed I decided to change them to a walk toy. They are perfect at keeping Diego's attention away from other dogs, and I am now using them in place of treats for this distraction. They are small enough to fit in my treat pouch for easy travel, they float and they are bright orange so hard to lose. A definite winner in my books. Diego hasn't managed to completely destroy them just yet, however as you can see from the first photo, he has put a decent puncture wound into the side of one. 

There's not much I can say about this photo apart from the fact that every time I look at it, I can't help but chuckle. What are Chico's ears doing? Why does he look so concerned? Why does Diego look so chuffed with himself? This was an attempt at getting the three dogs to pose together nicely, and as you can probably guess, it didn't work out too great.

I am a girl that is all about comfort and less about style. I couldn't tell you what style is to be honest. This sweatshirt though, is style and comfort. I know because this has been the most complimented Oh My Fluffy Dog product ever. Every time I have worn it I have got at least three compliments and people trying to work out what the OMFD stands for. It is super plush inside, and is amazing for these cold nights that we have been having and are set to have. I know for a fact that I will be living in this sweatshirt this Winter. 

Dog Walk: Rimutaka Summit Walk
I have lived in Upper Hutt my whole life and have never done this track. I have learnt within the last year that I have lived a somewhat sheltered life and have never done a bunch of amazing tracks in the Wellington region. This one is at the very summit of the Rimutaka Ranges, and instead of going to the lookout you keep going along the track. This takes you along the top of the ranges for up to 6 hours. It has the most spectacular views, which you can see on my vlog as well as being empty of all people. Judging by the path, I don't think it is often used either which is my favourite type of hike. There were some parts that were straight up hill or down hill, but I didn't find it an extremely hard hike and would definitely recommend.

Event: Fiji!
I didn't do any dog related events in March, however I did do my first overseas travel in a while to Fiji! I went for a week and had the most amazing time. I completely fell in love with the culture, the people and the land of Fiji and am already counting down the days until I can next be there. I have a dedicated blog post all about my trip that you can check out if you want to know more. Trust me, the read is worth it, I had a hilarious time.

What were your favourites in March?

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