

April Favourites

I can't believe it's already into May and I am writing my April Favourites. I feel like this month has gone so fast, but as I look back on my photos from April, I realise I have done a lot. This April was the type of month I wish I had constantly. I posted 7 blog posts, and reached the most views on the blog within a month EVER, and uploaded four videos onto our YouTube channel. I had my father come stay with me for a weekend, my mother for a week and then my sister the following week, finishing off with a weekend in Christchurch. That crazy busyness did mean my gym routine, healthy eating and training/walking Diego was pushed to the side. That's my goal for May is to make it busy, but keep up with the above.

Toy/Treat: Mega Dog Chew
I finally got my hands on Daisy's Doggy Deli Mega Dog Chew, and I loved them. If you didn't see I filmed both Diego and Chico eating theirs, and wrote up an entire review. This chew kept both dogs busy, didn't make any mess, or make the dogs breath smell. It is one that you need to watch your dog eat just in case they ingest pieces too large but I will be getting more for Diego.

This was so hard to chose. I looked through my months worth of photos and there were so many options for my favourite photo. In the end I chose this one, not because the photo is that great, but because of the time behind it. When my father stayed for the weekend we went to the gym (first time for both of us in a while) and felt like vomiting and passing out the whole time. Afterwards we felt terrible, but had planned to go hike in the Remutaka Forest. We still went, and within minutes both felt happy and refreshed again. We hiked for three and a half hours, and spent the time catching up, chatting and talking about everything in life. It was fantastic. I didn't take my camera, but dad did and caught this moment when we reached the basin and halfway mark. I really appreciate moments like this and it makes me really appreciate that I still have my dad in my life and that I should really catch up with him more.

Product: Kathmandu Bag
This one is not super dog related, but makes my life with Diego a lot easier. For Christmas, my dad got me this backpack from Kathmandu with the corresponding bladder. It has changed my hiking life completely! I used to take my camera bag, which itself weighs a decent amount with all the padding, and once you put a water bottle in, some treats, etc it became a lead block. Now, I can carry 3 litres of water, my camera and snacks without feeling like I am burdened. Plus, the more you travel, the lighter it gets with the water you drink. I never really understood the need for these types of bags, but now that I own one, I will never go back. It also is bright orange so you will never lose me on a hike! I cannot find the exact bag I have online, I think I got end of stock but I have linked a similar bag as I think they will both be great. I also only have photos of it in the background.

Dog Walk: Lake Ferry
When my sister, Tammin came to stay, we had ANZAC day off work. I knew I wanted to go on a hike of some sort with her, but with the weather being so crystal clear, and having a whole day ahead of us, I decided to take her on a different type of adventure. We travelled over the hill to Lake Ferry, where we pondered around, took loads of photos, had a bunch of laughs and just spent time in each others company. We didn't power walk (which is my usual walking style), we had no cement plans and it really made it a fun time. Diego absolutely loved being back at the beach and was picking up sticks and branches at every available opportunity. Afterwards we went to Martinborough for lunch before heading home.

Event: Christchurch Pet Expo
Lu from Oh My Fluffy Dog had said near the start of the year about Belinda (HuskyGoLucky on Instagram) and I coming down to help her with the Pet Expo. It was said more in a joking way, and we didn't really discuss it again after saying how cool that would be. I usually am too anxious, and nervous to be spontaneous or travel to meet people in real life. After Fiji, I came to a realisation that travel is awesome, and that I really want to be more of a YES person. So, I booked flights to Christchurch. I spent an amazing weekend at the Christchurch Pet Expo promoting Oh My Fluffy Dog, meeting Instagrammers that I have talked to online, and exploring a city I have never been to. My anxieties did play up the night and morning before travel, but it wasn't necessary as everyone I met was super amazing and supportive. I felt so comfortable the whole time with Lu and Tim, and enjoyed every moment. Now, I need to go to Cromwell so I can actually spend time with Lu and her pooches without the work portion of the expo.

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