

Our New Logo - From Concept to Completion

Hello! I had been wanting to make a new logo for a while now. My original logo I made years ago when I was first starting DaisyPets and spent multiple hours trying to work out Photoshop in order to make it. That logo isn't actually what I had originally wanted, but I had neither the skills, talent or time to create what I truly wanted. In the end, I decided to make myself enjoy what I had made, adjusted my expectations and have used that logo ever since.

I wanted to rebrand this year, to show that I was getting more serious about blogging, and to really be proud of what I have created here on the internet. This time around I knew my limitations, but still didn't have the money spare to hire someone to make me a logo. I also love the DIY attitude I have managed to use so far with the blog. So with all this in mind I had to get some help for this next logo.

I wanted to have a logo that showed the bond Diego and I have, but also kind of show what I might blog about. One of my favourite poses that Diego and I do for photos is me holding Diego in front of a view so I wanted to incorporate this somehow into my logo. I also love the current trend of watercolours so also wanted to have my logo be a plain black and white design with watercolour in the background. I wanted it so that I could just have the outlines for certain things, and the watercolour version for others.

I cannot draw. This is something I know extremely well and I have accepted it. My sisters however have gained all my talent into their little hands. Tammin is extremely good at people and animals and her favourite style to draw in is more anime inspired. Summer is also a very talented drawer, however doesn't show it off as much and is more of a realistic drawer/cartoon pets. I think. I knew Tammin loved Oh My Fluffy Dog clothing, and was always pestering to wear my gear, so I gave her a mission. Draw a picture of Diego and I for my logo and I will buy you a shirt. I gave her the brief description that was in my head but otherwise let her do her thing.

This is what she drew...

I then put that photo into Photoshop and begun the painstaking process of drawing over it. As I said, I am no drawer or artist, so found even this step hard as I didn't want shaky lines. All my fingers seemed to manage was shaky lines, so it was a long process of drawing, and then removing until I got the perfect lines. I managed to do all of Diego, and most of me apart from my hair and nose. These were parts that the line work was a lot harder for me, and bare in mind, I also hid Diego's tail behind my arm because I couldn't get his feathering right. Diego was also licking my face in the original artwork, which I thought was super cute, but it was going directly into my mouth so I couldn't tell if it was a tongue or a hot chip we were sharing. In the end, I removed it because I couldn't get it perfect and it still looked super cute without it.

The artwork was then at a standstill for over a month while I tried for a few minutes to get the hair and nose right, couldn't do it so would just watch Netflix instead. This was also during the period where I was taking a break from the blog and social media due to personal problems, so the last thing I wanted to do was to try and perfect something that I was useless at. Finally I was in Whanganui with my sisters when I told them I couldn't work out how to finish the piece. Tammin done the hair in one attempt and really showed me how much talent she has. Then we were stuck on the nose, which Tammin then admitted that she hates doing and had originally got help with for the hand drawing.

Summer came to the party then, and whipped up a nose within five minutes much to my delight. She wasn't 100% happy with the result but I was blown away with how quick and great she managed to get it. I was then attempting to do the water colour background with greens, yellows or oranges which I personally love as colours and thought would represent my brand. However, mum and both sisters all agreed that it looked terrible and like vomit. Summer then showed me how incredible she is by getting the final colour scheme together for me and showing me how to successfully watercolour in Photoshop.

It really was a team effort but I absolutely love the end result. It is exactly how I imagined it, minus the colour scheme, and I am excited to be able to get this easily printed onto shirts, business cards, mugs, you name it. I also love looking at it because I know how much help my sisters provided and it showed how well we can work together as a family.

What are your thoughts on the new logo? Let me know!

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