

Open Letter to my Mother

This post isn't really pet related, very loosely tied into my animal loving lifestyle, and I hope you don't mind. Today, in New Zealand, it is Mother's Day which is a day that you are meant to celebrate with your mum. Unfortunately, we are both extremely busy in different parts of the country and I don't get to make her breakfast in bed, or take her out on a brunch date. Instead, here is my open letter to my amazing mother.

Hey Petra,

Thank you for all that you have done for me, and the four other creatures that you call children. The older I get, the more I realise how incredibly hard your job is, but also how you have done it so well. Raising five children is hard enough, but doing it alone for half of them is even harder. You have put your whole life into raising us, making sure that we are happy and healthy, and slaving away at multiple jobs so you can feed our many interests.

Thank you for allowing me to get Daisy when I was an annoying ten year old who thought I knew exactly how the world worked. Now that Tammin has got Ollie, I have realised how much extra work Daisy was for you. You never let it show though. You helped out so much with her, and were always ready to help me if I ever asked. You often groomed, walked, cleaned up after, paid for and generally cared for Daisy when I couldn't or wouldn't. You were there with me for all the big parts of that dogs life, and when she finally crossed to the other side, you slaved away in a storm to make sure that she was buried with love.

I want to thank you for allowing me to be raised with many animals over my childhood. You gave me the love of animals and showed me the many sides of pet ownership. We raised many litters of rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and birds as well as owning many more unusual and quirky pets. You happily let me explore my interest in animals, and listened to hours of me rambling on about boring facts that I had read up. You happily encouraged this passion, and we spent many a weekend browsing the pet stores, and library so I could learn more.

You have instilled a great work ethic in me, and all your adult children by not forcing or telling us, but by showing us the way. You have always done so many different tasks, jobs and activities without complaining or showing weakness. You have shown us that even on our sickest days, it is better to just put a brave face on and take the day head on. Your passion for your work shines through you, and you can tell that you love what you do (most of the time). You have also shown us that as a woman we are no less capable than a male to do every day tasks. You are always doing things that would generally put under a male's role, but have done them extremely well. I don't know any other woman who will be brandishing a hammer to whip up whatever you need done. Or who would climb haphazardly on a ladder to fix a water leak with no one else home.

I love how supportive you are of everything us children do. You like every single one of my Daisy Pets posts, and similar to when I was young, you listen to me ramble on about products I like, products I want to try, facts I have learnt, and places I want to go. You never complain, and always show such a keen interest in what I do or plan to do. I don't think I would have been able to continue blogging without your constant support and encouragement.

You have taken Diego on as a grandson, which is honestly great when I know you would probably like some human grandchildren. You are so good with him, and I am forever thankful for the fact you had him in your care for most of 2016. You really have made my life a lot easier by being so caring and nice to the main man in my life.

I think if I grow up to be even a quarter of the woman you are, I would die happy. You are the most incredible, inspiring, humble, beautiful woman I know. You do so much for everyone else in your life, and always make sure that the people in your life are happy. You push your own needs to the side to give others the opportunity to do what they love. I love this side of you, although I do wish you would take some more time for yourself.

Mum, you inspire me so much. Thank you for being a constant rock in my life, thank you for teaching me to be a better person, thank you for being an amazing mother.

I love you and appreciate you so very much.

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