

Kong Wobbler Review

Hey! Back in April I wrote a blog post on the Current Boredom Breakers that I use with Diego to keep him entertained while I am at work. I have really seen an improvement in Diego's separation anxiety since I have started to incorporate toys and treats into our morning routine. Usually he is more excited for me to leave so he is allowed the toy than actually caring about me leaving! I didn't have many different toy options though so worried that the novelty would soon wear out. Thankfully the amazing Animates sent us a package with a bunch of their toys and treats to keep Diego entertained during the day. This was a few months back and has really given both Diego and I enough time to play with the toys and really get a grasp for their pro's and con's.

The Kong Wobbler was the toy that I was initially the most drawn to as it meant I could fill it with Diego's food. I usually like to put Diego's morning kibble into a toy to make the mealtime last longer, but also saves over-feeding him on treats. The Wobbler is perfect for this purpose as it is designed to challenge the dog to get their kibble out. The Wobbler has a weighted bottom piece, with a screwable top where you can fill it with your dogs kibble. Diego doesn't have the largest portion sizes, but this toy can hold even the biggest dogs meal. Then the dog has to push and pull this toy around to get the kibble to fall out of a hole that is on the side. This is made difficult as the weighted section makes the Wobbler stand upright at any chance it gets.

To be entirely honest with you, this isn't Diego's first time using a Kong Wobbler. We had got him one as a puppy to keep him entertained, and it lasted two days maximum. As a crazy puppy he missed the concept of pushing the toy over to get the kibble and instead tried to chew his way through. What ended up happening is that he chewed all around where the top screws on and it no longer screwed on properly. Diego was a very destructive puppy and ripped apart/chewed everything he could get his mouth on.

This time round though it has been a different story. The first time getting this Wobbler out of the package he instantly grasped the concept of pushing the toy over for food. He was entranced immediately and within minutes the Wobbler was empty. He kept crazily pawing and digging at it even long after all the kibble had come out of it. Currently Diego is eating Black Hawk dog food which is a tiny kibble compared to anything I have ever seen before. This means that it isn't too hard for the kibble to come out of the hole which is made for bigger kibble. However with that being said this toy will generally last Diego 3 - 5 minutes to clear. Which is amazing considering he usually can eat that same portion in less than 10 seconds given the chance.

I also tried this out with Chico and Ollie who are currently eating a different type of dog food which has a much larger kibble. The kibble can still fit through the hole, but it doesn't come out as easily giving more of a challenge. This kibble size would probably be better for Diego's advanced use of this toy. Chico being the Greyhound he is, much preferred me personally giving him food than having to work for it. He just lay down/ignored it until I would tip the Wobbler and a treat would come out. After a lot of this he finally grasped the idea himself and gave it a few half-hearted pushes before retreating to bed. Safe to say Chico was not a fan. But then again, Chico is never a fan of any toy.

Ollie on the other hand is a very energetic dog who generally goes crazy for his meal. To slow Ollie down he does have a Go-Slo bowl and recently my sister has been putting his kibble in an old plastic milk bottle that has holes in it so it slowly dispenses. This toy seemed right up their alley then and when I went up to Whanganui I made them try it. Ollie at first was very confused and my sister had to show him the general idea by giving it a few pushes where treats would roll out. That didn't take Ollie long and soon he was racing around the yard with it in his mouth and kibble flying off in all directions. He successfully managed to clear the Wobbler of any kibble (even with the larger kibble size) as well as make it completely covered in mud. I would say it was a hit for him, too!

All in all I think this toy is amazing and we have been using it nearly every day since we got the package in early July! I find it the perfect way to dispense Diego's breakfast and quite often feed his dinner in it as well even though I am around. Diego has put a few teeth marks in it by trying to carry it onto the bed, as well as a lot of claw marks but these don't effect the function of the toy at all. I think if you have a very destructive puppy, or a bigger dog that is quite a chewer you might want to steer clear of this toy as I mentioned above, it can be ruined if they get along the twist line. Otherwise I think this is an amazing invention, and is well worth it's price. It not only makes your dog use their brain to figure it out, it also gives some exercise as they push it all over the house and yard!
Buy yours today! 
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Wolves of Wellington Kickstarter

In July, Diego and I were lucky enough to be invited to the Wolves of Wellington photoshoot for their new range of collars, harnesses and leashes. I have been a fan of the Wolves of Wellington duo and their two beautiful 'wolves' Indy and Willow since they first launched a few years back. I have multiple bandanas, harnesses and leashes from their site already and have used them almost daily. Wolves of Wellington started with importing products from overseas that we couldn't get here in New Zealand and grew from there. They launched a 'Pay it Forward' range in which Gretchen herself made rope leashes, bandanas, beds and more by hand with 10% of profits going to an animal charity.

I am so excited to announce that they have now started to grow that range to include some wonderfully crafted products that are all designed by them both. However, they need our help. They need to raise $11,000 to purchase the first round of products, so have started a Kickstarter to look at raising that capital. The way Kickstarter works is that you make a pledge to purchase their product once it has been made, if they reach the target your product of choice will be shipped out at a later date. If they do not reach target, all money is refunded to the pledgers and Wolves of Wellington have to shut shop on their dreams.  You can chose your pledge amount, and each pledge amount correlates to a certain product or group of products. Pretty much in short, it's kind of like a pre-order and you will be getting the product way cheaper than standard price, and will be helping a local business to grow.

After Diego modelled for Wolves of Wellington we were so blessed as to be given a collar and leash set in the pattern 'Indy' as well as a bandana with 'D' for Diego on it! I have been using that set ever since we got it in July and am safe to say that I am in love. So much so that Diego's council registration has been put on the collar so this one is a daily collar for the next year.

This leash is amazing! It is one of the longest leashes I own, but has multiple clips and rings so that you can adjust the length for what you like. This makes it super versatile and gives you more options when walking your pooch. With a clip at each end of the leash you can also walk two dogs with the one leash. I found this handy when walking both Chico and Diego from the car to the dog wash and back. Even with their major height difference this was a breeze to do. I also love the extra clips for easy tying up when at a cafe or quickly leaving Diego tied somewhere. I walked today without this leash and had to tie Diego up and realised what a hassle the traditional method is. This leash makes it easy, and you don't have to unclip your dog from the leash to do so! It is also a very comfortable leash to hold, and although Diego is a puller, you don't get sore hands from the material.

The collar is wicked and we have already had a tonne of compliments on it. I have had to adjust Diego's several times to get the correct length between him being able to slip it when overly excited, to wearing it all day/sleeping in it. I have finally found the correct length but during that adjustment period found it super easy to adjust and it did not budge once set. As I said above, Diego is a puller so to find collars that don't slip and go to the largest sizing is hard. This one is perfect and doesn't seem to move at all! The clip is plastic and very sturdy. It is that perfect medium between being easy to unclasp but not opening when you don't want it to. The rest of the hardware is a wonderful black metal which blends right in.

I haven't tried out the harness in the real world setting, but Diego did wear one for the photoshoot. Gretchen said they designed it to be similar to the Wildebeest Linden Harness that we absolutely love and reviewed here. The difference is that the clip doesn't slide in the Wolves of Wellington harness which means it will work for a lot more dogs but with the same great walking results.

The pattern I have is amazing and even though Diego is dark it really stands out. I have seen it on other dark and light coloured dogs and it looks amazing on all! The other three patterns are also incredible and will look fantastic on a range of dog colours, and types, and I have decided that I have to have full sets of all three. I am just waiting for my fortnightly pay to come in and I will be pledging up a storm!

I am a true believer in supporting local and helping out the small businesses within your area or country. Wolves of Wellington makes this an even more obvious choice by making and selling high-quality, beautiful products and I will always back the incredible things they are doing as a company. I would love if you could join the pack and make a pledge towards this fantastic company by visiting their Kickstarter: 

I can't wait for them to smash their target, and for us all to be one big pack with matching collars, harnesses and leashes!

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Top Podcasts to Listen to While Walking the Dog

Back in June, I mentioned that during our long walks trying to complete #300kmJune I would listen to a podcast, and a couple people said they would love to know what podcasts I listen to. I will start this post with saying that none of these podcasts are pet related. I am yet to find a decent pet related podcast that I like. I listened to a dog trainer one and was immediately repulsed in the first five minutes when he stated that prong and electrocuting collars are the best way to train dogs, and when he started chewing loudly into the microphone. I have never delved back into that area of podcasting.

I listen to podcasts a lot. I don't really like to do activities in silence, and due to me going regularly to the gym where I listen to music, I prefer to listen to something else for the rest of the day. I love podcasts for the fact that while doing boring adult activities like grocery shopping, cleaning the house or just general activities you can also be learning and gaining new knowledge. Most of my podcasts I listen to are knowledge based, with a few fun ones thrown in for when I need a mood boost. I don't take headphones every time I walk Diego, but for walks that I plan to be a lot longer I generally bring them along just in case.

Mixergy - Startup Stories
This podcast is a very business, entrepreneurial based podcast, but one I absolutely love to get me inspired to focus more energy into DaisyPets. Andrew interviews a range of people who are proven entrepreneurs and can offer some insight or tips into how to do better business. I have found a lot of them are tech based, and that they often discuss different software to help smooth basic processes. This is obviously not a podcast I recommend to everyone, but if you are goal-orientated, and business minded, this one will be right up your alley!

Joe Rogan Podcast
Joe Rogan is by far my favourite podcast host of all time. I have been listening to his podcasts for several years now and find them educational and entertaining at the same time. Of the 9 podcasts I have enjoyed enough to put in a favourites category, five are Joe Rogans. Although he does and says some controversial things, he has an open mind and can have a conversation with anyone about any topic. He doesn't shut people down if he doesn't believe what they are saying, instead he finds out more information about why they are saying that so he can better grasp another's opinion. This makes for amazing conversations where you as the listener get to really take in and learn a range of things. He has such a broad spectrum of guests on from UFC fighters and hunters to scientists and filmmakers. I feel like this is a podcast that can cater to a lot of different people. Some of my favourites are: #919 - Neil deGrasse Tyson; #663 - Dominic Monaghan; #759 - Cameron Hanes.

Wrongful Conviction with Jason Flom
Wow! I found this only recently and have been absolutely hooked. The podcast is all about innocent people that have been wrongly convicted, served jail time and have since been released. Jason interviews these people and hears their stories on how they ended up being wrongly convicted, how they dealt with living in prison, how they managed to prove their innocence and what happens after all of this. It is such an intriguing and fascinating topic and seems a lot more common than I ever realised. Because of the dark and deep conversations that are had in this podcast I do find I have to be in the right headspace to enjoy it. I find if I am already feeling stressed, upset, or tired it makes me feel a lot worse, so I only listen to this on nice days when out walking Diego. I really suggest listening to episode 4 of the first season, and episode 8 of the second season.

Other People's Lives
If you are into looking into other people's lives, this podcast is perfect. This is definitely the wackiest podcast I listen to, and it is definitely for those times when I don't want to take in too much information. The hosts interview people with unusual fetishes, thought processes or life experiences and share them with us. This is definitely an R18 podcast and does get very strange and possibly controversial. My favourite was the episode 'The Earth is Flat' as my opinion varies so differently to what they thought. Unfortunately, this podcast is currently shut down as they are looking at making it into a series so you can only listen to the episodes that are currently out, for now.

Urban Farm Podcast
This podcast I go through phases of absolutely loving, and then not listening to any for weeks. This podcast as the title suggests, is all about farming in an urban setting. There are interviews with a range of people with all one common passion of growing your own vegetables or livestock. I find this one super informative, especially with it coming up to Spring when I will be planting my own large vegetable garden for the first time without my mothers help. It is American based so some of the stuff they talk about does not apply to us here in New Zealand, but there is still tonnes of useful information thrown throughout each episode. He also interviews people on how to utilise what you have grown in everyday life from eating it, to healing from it.

RuPaul: What's the Tee?
This is one of my fun podcasts to listen to as it is not overly informative. RuPaul and Michelle Visage hang out, talk nonsense and then interview someone else about their lives. I fell in love with RuPaul from Drag Race (showing my young age since he has been around forever) and just love how quirky and confident he is. This really comes across in this podcast and I am often seen just laughing into thin air as him and Michelle crack joke after joke. This is such a light, entertaining podcast that I find makes the time pass so much quicker, and you don't have to concentrate too hard on it.

I do listen to a bunch more podcasts but wanted to give you a couple of my favourites from a range of genres. I think podcasts are a great way for people to express themselves and put information across. I believe this platform of information sharing is only going to grow within the next few years, and I for one love it.
Are you currently listening to podcasts? If so, what podcasts do you listen to? I am always on the hunt for new good ones!
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Black Hawk Review & Giveaway

Daisy passed away from liver disease and so from first getting Diego I was very aware of what I was feeding him. When I owned Daisy, I was unfortunately in a time of my life where I could not afford the top quality dog food, and just generally went for the cheapest type available at the supermarket. This isn't the best food, and a lot of the time has less real meat in it than fillers. I think this was a huge factor in her getting liver disease, and I may be wrong, but I would prefer to edge on the side of caution with Diego so I don't have to go through that again.

Diego has been having Orijen dog food since the first day I got him. I transitioned him from whatever he was eating before onto the Puppy formula of Orijen within the first week or two of owning him. I had read a lot about Orijen, what they put into their dog food and their business model appealed to me. When he got off the puppy formula we went between Orijen Adult and Fish versions. I believe in changing the protein source every few months for dogs, and Orijen made it easy to do that as a bag lasted the perfect time to just change which one we purchased each time. However, recently they changed their bag sizes, making them smaller for the same outrageous price. This put me off as it meant the bag lasted two weeks less, but was still ripping a giant hole in my wallet with each purchase.

So with me being annoyed at that, it was perfect timing for Black Hawk to approach us with a PR package for their New Zealand launch. It was the most amazing package, with sample packets of multiple versions of their dog food, as well as a recipe and all the ingredients for us humans to make a meal of our own! I gave the non-grain-free versions to my mother to try with Chico, and gave the grain-free options to Diego to sample. He gobbled them up quickly, and without the hesitation he had been giving his previous food within recent months. He even went scouting around for more, which is no unheard of from him, but hadn't been done for a long time with his Orijen food.

I am going to be honest right now and say that we were lucky enough to be sent a full sized product after the initial PR package (as well as a full sized product for you to go in to win at the end of this post). This has not effected my opinion however because I also bought a 15kg bag the same week we got sent the product from the company. I had gone onto PetPost to purchase Diego's Orijen food again and saw that Black Hawk had already been released online. I had a look into it and found that you could get any version of the food for the same price, which was cheaper than Orijen by a fair chunk. I purchased this, and then two days later Black Hawk had sent us a 7kg bag! It's fair to say we are now rolling in dog food.

For Diego, I chose the Salmon Grain-Free version as I love to get fish oils into him where I can and found that this would be an easy way to do it now that we had run out of actual fish oil. But as I said above, I love to change the protein source every few months, so love that Black Hawk has four protein types in the grain-free range; Salmon, Kangaroo, Lamb and Chicken. I am definitely keen to try Kangaroo as that is something Diego has never tried! They also have a range of puppy food, traditional adult dog foods and a working dog option. Black Hawk contains all real meat, fresh fruit and vegetables and has no fillers or nasties. They also share my belief that every ingredient that goes into a pet's diet should matter. I love this! After my troubles with Daisy, it is great to find a semi-local (Australian) company that is 100% real and ensures that your dog will be getting everything they need and nothing that they don't.

The kibble itself is tiny, probably the smallest size of kibble I have ever seen. Diego isn't a big dog, but does love to hoover food up, so I have to make sure that this food is always fed in his Go-Slo bowl, or another toy to slow down his eating. The kibble does mean that for little dogs you don't have to worry about them choking or having trouble chewing it. However, for bigger dogs this could potentially be a problem. Chico did have some of this food when he was visiting and had no troubles with it when eating from Diego's bowl, or off the ground but he is a slow, precise eater in general. I don't think this should put you off the food, as the actual ingredients are amazing, but should be something to be aware of. There is a large dog formula which I guess would have bigger kibble if you are concerned.

The food is made up of high quality ingredients, with it roughly being half and half of high quality protein and vegetables, fruits and oils. It also has added Emu Oil, which is great for joints, skin and coat. I am all about 100% honesty, and I can honestly tell you I could tell a difference in Diego's coat after using this product. He has two different fur types, most of his fur is slick and soft, but around the top of his back/neck/ruff is kind of wirey. My mum calls this his 'pig fur' so that gives you a fair idea of how course that fur is. Within a week of being on Black Hawk Salmon all his fur become a lot glossier to look at, and was super soft to touch. The fur along the sides of his body were the softest they have ever been, and even his pig fur was comparable to soft fur. I changed nothing other than his food so can only speculate that it must have been the food that made the difference.

Diego is also obsessed with this food. I have his food stored in a large plastic container and whenever I go anywhere near the vicinity of that tub, Diego comes zooming over thinking he may get some food. After eating he always goes looking for more, and sometimes will just sit near the food container and look at me hoping that I will treat him with some more. I first thought that I must not be feeding him enough and he was hungry, however I referred to the feeding chart on the side of the bag and realised if anything I was over feeding him. With such quality ingredients you don't have to feed nearly as much as you would if you got a cheaper brand of food. Also, during the day while I am at work I give him boredom buster toys to play with. Recently he has been getting his Kong Wobbler filled with his breakfast, and then another toy filled with peanut butter, treats, carrots or another high reward filling. He chooses to eat his breakfast of Black Hawk food out of the Kong Wobbler before even looking at the more high reward toy.

So as I said above, Black Hawk was amazing and has hooked us up with a 7kg bag of food to giveaway to one lucky reader of mine. I wanted to make this super easy for anyone to enter so all you have to do is Subscribe to our mailing list by putting your email address below. Easy as that! Once you have done that you are in the running to win this amazing prize. You do have to live in New Zealand to receive this prize, but can still sign up to our mailing list if you are from overseas. This will run til 11.59pm on August 13th, and will announce the winners on all social media platforms on August 14th.

If you wanted to find out more about Black Hawk, check them out at You will also be able to purchase Black Hawk at vet clinics, pet stores or online at
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Dog Friendly: Nourish Cafe

I am a sucker for a good brunch spot. I love being able to connect with someone over good coffee, and a great atmosphere. Actually, I love just being with a good coffee and great atmosphere, the other person is a bonus but not a must. However, a must for me is being allowed to bring Diego along. Most of the time I only visit cafes in the weekend so therefore generally will have Diego with me, and I don't want to be enjoying the cafe vibes while he is stuck in the car. 

In June, while we were in Tauranga I searched up 'dog friendly cafes Tauranga' and from there searched through the range of options. The top of the list, and most highly recommended was Nourish so that's where we headed. I am not from Tauranga so don't know the exact location, but would say it is out of town between Tauranga and Omokoroa. I could be completely wrong on that one. When we went there were heaps of road works around the area so I was not expecting much. Upon arrival though, we were greeted with a beautiful building with flourishing plant life. The photos don't even do this place justice, it was absolutely beautiful. 

There is ample outdoor seating, and at mid-morning had a great amount of sun or shade depending on what you are into. When we went there were already two other dogs there so it is obviously a popular place for other dog owners. The seating itself ranged from outdoor couches and lounges to your traditional wooden bench with seats. They also cater for the pups by having heaps of water bowls, and a place to easily fill them up outside. 

The menu catered for many dietary options and had both your traditional brunch options as well as some more fancy and exotic. Tammin went for a standard bacon and eggs with an OJ for her meal and said it was fantastic. I chose one of the more exciting options (which I cannot for the life of me remember the name of) which consisted of egg, halloumi, beetroot, avocado, pesto all on a bed of spinach leaves. This was one of the best breakfasts I have ever eaten, and left me satisfied but not overly full like sometimes happens when going out for brunch. They were also open to change so this could easily be made dairy free by removing the halloumi. 

I found the staff to be super friendly, and didn't mind a quick chat at the register about their day, and what our plans were for the rest of the day. They were helpful when we asked questions in regards to the menu and where to get water for the dogs. 
Not only was this place an awesome cafe, they also had lots of items for sale within their store. This range includes locally sourced produce and crafts, as well as homewares and cookware. It is the beautiful stuff that you can easily gift to someone, or keep for yourself if you feel like a treat. I didn't spend too long browsing the store as the pooches were waiting outside, but saw some awesome products that I would have loved to pick up. 

All in all this is a beautiful spot for a bite to eat, or just a coffee while you relax and take in the atmosphere. I usually find that places this nice usually are un-inclusive of your hounds, so it was a welcome change for them to be so open towards both Diego and Ollie. I would definitely recommend this to anyone in the area, or just passing through and can guarantee you that next time we are up those ways we will be definitely be getting another meal here.

Find more about Nourish Cafe by visiting their website: 

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