

Top Podcasts to Listen to While Walking the Dog

Back in June, I mentioned that during our long walks trying to complete #300kmJune I would listen to a podcast, and a couple people said they would love to know what podcasts I listen to. I will start this post with saying that none of these podcasts are pet related. I am yet to find a decent pet related podcast that I like. I listened to a dog trainer one and was immediately repulsed in the first five minutes when he stated that prong and electrocuting collars are the best way to train dogs, and when he started chewing loudly into the microphone. I have never delved back into that area of podcasting.

I listen to podcasts a lot. I don't really like to do activities in silence, and due to me going regularly to the gym where I listen to music, I prefer to listen to something else for the rest of the day. I love podcasts for the fact that while doing boring adult activities like grocery shopping, cleaning the house or just general activities you can also be learning and gaining new knowledge. Most of my podcasts I listen to are knowledge based, with a few fun ones thrown in for when I need a mood boost. I don't take headphones every time I walk Diego, but for walks that I plan to be a lot longer I generally bring them along just in case.

Mixergy - Startup Stories
This podcast is a very business, entrepreneurial based podcast, but one I absolutely love to get me inspired to focus more energy into DaisyPets. Andrew interviews a range of people who are proven entrepreneurs and can offer some insight or tips into how to do better business. I have found a lot of them are tech based, and that they often discuss different software to help smooth basic processes. This is obviously not a podcast I recommend to everyone, but if you are goal-orientated, and business minded, this one will be right up your alley!

Joe Rogan Podcast
Joe Rogan is by far my favourite podcast host of all time. I have been listening to his podcasts for several years now and find them educational and entertaining at the same time. Of the 9 podcasts I have enjoyed enough to put in a favourites category, five are Joe Rogans. Although he does and says some controversial things, he has an open mind and can have a conversation with anyone about any topic. He doesn't shut people down if he doesn't believe what they are saying, instead he finds out more information about why they are saying that so he can better grasp another's opinion. This makes for amazing conversations where you as the listener get to really take in and learn a range of things. He has such a broad spectrum of guests on from UFC fighters and hunters to scientists and filmmakers. I feel like this is a podcast that can cater to a lot of different people. Some of my favourites are: #919 - Neil deGrasse Tyson; #663 - Dominic Monaghan; #759 - Cameron Hanes.

Wrongful Conviction with Jason Flom
Wow! I found this only recently and have been absolutely hooked. The podcast is all about innocent people that have been wrongly convicted, served jail time and have since been released. Jason interviews these people and hears their stories on how they ended up being wrongly convicted, how they dealt with living in prison, how they managed to prove their innocence and what happens after all of this. It is such an intriguing and fascinating topic and seems a lot more common than I ever realised. Because of the dark and deep conversations that are had in this podcast I do find I have to be in the right headspace to enjoy it. I find if I am already feeling stressed, upset, or tired it makes me feel a lot worse, so I only listen to this on nice days when out walking Diego. I really suggest listening to episode 4 of the first season, and episode 8 of the second season.

Other People's Lives
If you are into looking into other people's lives, this podcast is perfect. This is definitely the wackiest podcast I listen to, and it is definitely for those times when I don't want to take in too much information. The hosts interview people with unusual fetishes, thought processes or life experiences and share them with us. This is definitely an R18 podcast and does get very strange and possibly controversial. My favourite was the episode 'The Earth is Flat' as my opinion varies so differently to what they thought. Unfortunately, this podcast is currently shut down as they are looking at making it into a series so you can only listen to the episodes that are currently out, for now.

Urban Farm Podcast
This podcast I go through phases of absolutely loving, and then not listening to any for weeks. This podcast as the title suggests, is all about farming in an urban setting. There are interviews with a range of people with all one common passion of growing your own vegetables or livestock. I find this one super informative, especially with it coming up to Spring when I will be planting my own large vegetable garden for the first time without my mothers help. It is American based so some of the stuff they talk about does not apply to us here in New Zealand, but there is still tonnes of useful information thrown throughout each episode. He also interviews people on how to utilise what you have grown in everyday life from eating it, to healing from it.

RuPaul: What's the Tee?
This is one of my fun podcasts to listen to as it is not overly informative. RuPaul and Michelle Visage hang out, talk nonsense and then interview someone else about their lives. I fell in love with RuPaul from Drag Race (showing my young age since he has been around forever) and just love how quirky and confident he is. This really comes across in this podcast and I am often seen just laughing into thin air as him and Michelle crack joke after joke. This is such a light, entertaining podcast that I find makes the time pass so much quicker, and you don't have to concentrate too hard on it.

I do listen to a bunch more podcasts but wanted to give you a couple of my favourites from a range of genres. I think podcasts are a great way for people to express themselves and put information across. I believe this platform of information sharing is only going to grow within the next few years, and I for one love it.
Are you currently listening to podcasts? If so, what podcasts do you listen to? I am always on the hunt for new good ones!

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