

Pet Halloween Outfit DIY: Beanie Baby

Hey! This will be the last of our DIY outfit series for this years Halloween. I had a heap of others planned, however my execution of them wasn't fantastic and they looked nothing like how I intended them to. That all made me rethink my outfit ideas, and thus this one was born. It is super simple, easy to get the supplies/you already own them, and it's effective. I do think you have to be a certain age to understand the reference, as I was telling my sisters the idea and they had no clue what I was talking about. Even with that, I think it is adorable and the easiest last minute outfit to throw your pet into.

This DIY is for those that remember collecting Beanie Baby toys. They were the best toys growing up, and I was always jealous of my sisters collection. When you purchased a Beanie Baby they all had love heart tags with TY on the front, and cute personal details about each toy on the inside of their tag. This DIY is perfect for any pet you may own as Beanie Babies came in a wide variety of animals and colours.

You will need:

- Red coloured card stock
- White paper
- Ribbon
- Glue

It's as easy as that! You want to fold your card stock in half as this gives you the edge you need to make an opening tag. You can free-hand the heart shape as well as the letters, or print off a template. The latter is what I chose to do as I have no free-hand drawing ability and I didn't want to have a strange, lopsided heart tag!

Cut out a heart shape with one edge of the heart overlapping the crease of the card stock. This is how the tags looked, with a blunt edge on the opening side of the heart. Cut your T and Y letters from your white paper. These are in a particular cartoon font, so try and replicate this as best as possible. Since making this DIY I have noticed that a lot of the tags also had a gold star in one corner. I think that would be cute to also add in, like this.

Glue it altogether and attach your ribbon to the back on the tag. I cut my ribbon in a loop to the length of the pets necks, but you can also do two strips that you tie onto your pet. Write on the inside of the heart with your pets details, including name, date of birth, likes and dislikes, etc.


I love this DIY so much and would love to see your pets dressed up with their Beanie Baby tag! Tag us in photos on Facebook or Instagram!

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